Monday, September 30, 2019

How to Do One Thing at a Time

Sample practice test prompts for the CATW Sample 1 Assignment:  Begin by reading the passage below. How Your Birth Order Influences Your Life Adjustment The child becomes known as the family’s only child, oldest child, middle child, or youngest child, depending on his birth order. He is thought and talked about as having that place in the family. Both in his mind and in the minds of other people, an important part of his identity is his family position. The other members of the family assume certain attitudes toward each child in terms of his birth order.Parents usually expect their oldest child to be more capable and more responsible than the younger children. The oldest child comes to think about himself in the same way. These ways of seeing himself, of thinking about himself because of his sibling role, become part of his self-concept. Similarly, the middle child may think of himself as able to do things better than other people because he is usually more capable than his younger siblings. Sometimes, though, he must turn to an older sibling or to his parents for help, and so he thinks of himself as being able to obtain help when he needs it.The youngest child may develop the self-concept that he is less able to do many things than other people. However, he is not concerned because there are always others around to take care of him. In contrast, the only child tends to think, â€Å"When my parents are not around, I have no one to turn to for help. So I’d better learn to take care of myself as much as possible. † The place in the family establishes for the child a specific role to be played within the family group. It influences him to develop certain attitudes toward himself and toward other people and helps him develop specific patterns of behavior. 290 words) Adapted from an essay by Lucille Forer, â€Å"How Your Birth Order Influences Your Life Adjustment†, in  Write to be Read, p. 7. Writing Directions Read the passage abov e and write an essay responding to the ideas it presents. In your essay, be sure to summarize the passage in your own words, stating the author’s most important ideas. Develop your essay by identifying one idea in the passage that you feel is especially significant, and explain its significance. Support your claims with evidence or examples drawn from what you have read, learned in school, and/or personally experienced.Remember to review your essay and make any changes or corrections that are needed to help your reader follow your thinking. You will have 90 minutes to complete your essay. Sample 2 Assignment:  Begin by reading the passage below. Modern Society and the Quest for Human Happiness Everywhere, by all means imaginable, people are striving to improve their lives. Yet strangely, my impression is that those living in the materially developed countries, for all their industry, are in some ways less satisfied, are less happy, and suffer more than those living in the l east developed countries.Indeed, if we compare the rich with the poor, it often seems that those with nothing are, in fact, the least anxious, though they are plagued with physical pains and suffering. As for the rich, while a few know how to use their wealth intelligently – that is to say, not in luxurious living but by sharing it with the needy – many do not. They are so caught up with the idea of acquiring still more that they make no room for anything else in their lives. In their absorption with material wealth, they actually lose the dream of happiness, which riches were to have provided.As a result, they are constantly tormented, torn between doubt about what may happen and the hope of getting more, and plagued with mental and emotional suffering – even though outwardly they may appear to be leading entirely successful and comfortable lives. This is suggested both by the high degree and by the disturbing prevalence among the populations of the materially developed countries of anxiety, discontent, frustration, and depression. Moreover, the inner suffering is clearly connected with growing confusion as to what constitutes morality and what its foundations are. 242 words) From an essay by the Dalai Lama, â€Å"Modern Society and the Quest for Human Happiness† in  Write to be Read, p. 170. Writing Directions Read the passage above and write an essay responding to the ideas it presents. In your essay, be sure to summarize the passage in your own words, stating the author’s most important ideas. Develop your essay by identifying one idea in the passage that you feel is especially significant, and explain its significance. Support your claims with evidence or examples drawn from what you have read, learned in school, and/or personally experienced.Remember to review your essay and make any changes or corrections that are needed to help your reader follow your thinking. You will have 90 minutes to complete your essay. Sample 3 Assignment:  Begin by reading the passage below. The Woman Who Died in the Waiting Room Esmin Green fell out of her chair in the waiting room of Brooklyn's largest psychiatric hospital nearly an hour before anyone realized she was in trouble. For 20 minutes, she writhed and twisted between two chairs under the watchful eye of a security camera whose footage would later be broadcast across the country, spurring a public outcry.Two security guards and two other staff members passed through the room and glanced at the 49-year-old woman, without bothering to check her vital signs or help her up. Nearly 40 minutes after she stopped moving, a nurse walked over and lightly kicked her. By then, she was already dead. The city's medical examiner cited blood clots in her legs as the official cause. As disturbing as the circumstances of  Esmin Green's death were, they should not have come as a surprise.Public hospitals across the country have struggled to provide acute psychiatric care t o the poor and uninsured since the early 1960s, when large mental hospitals began closing their doors en masse. Rather than lock them away in cold, uncaring institutions, the thinking went, the mentally ill should be offered a place in society. But with insufficient outpatient services and a dearth of community-based support, the least fortunate of them have ended up in already overtaxed emergency rooms. They are the poor, the uninsured and the undocumented.Many of them suffer from chronic conditions that could potentially be treated with medication and regular counseling, luxuries most of them cannot afford. With just 50,000 inpatient psychiatric beds for tens of millions of people across the country, the mentally ill typically wait twice as long for treatment as other patient populations do. â€Å"It's like landing airplanes at JFK airport,† says Ken Duckworth, medical director of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. â€Å"There is just no place for them to go. † (306 words) adapted from July 12, 2008 Newsweek article, â€Å"The Woman Who Died in the Waiting Room† by Jeneen Interlandi   Writing DirectionsRead the passage above and write an essay responding to the ideas it presents. In your essay, be sure to summarize the passage in your own words, stating the author’s most important ideas. Develop your essay by identifying one idea in the passage that you feel is especially significant, and explain its significance. Support your claims with evidence or examples drawn from what you have read, learned in school, and/or personally experienced. Remember to review your essay and make any changes or corrections that are needed to help your reader follow your thinking. You will have 90 minutes to complete your essay.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Smoking Habits

Substance Abuse Paper HCA 250 September 30, 2012 Substance Abuse Paper I topic I have chosen to discuss is about the dangers of smoking tobacco at young age into adulthood. Smoking Tobacco is the leading cause of premature death in smokers and it has been linked to death of non-smokers which is known as second-hand smoke. Just like Alcohol and drug abuse, smoking tobacco is used for many reasons for example simply being cool, to fit in, peer pressure, and my parents do it. Now let’s discuss the reason why smoking tobacco is dangerous to the smokers and non-smokers.The reason for smoking is psychological, because the way smoking is glamorized in the movies and also in advertisements. This is not the real reason one chooses to smoke; the addiction is due to the nicotine which makes it hard to quit once one has started. One can overcome his or her addiction, when the psychological reasons for smoking are eliminated. The reasons people chose to start smoking tobacco was to show he or she is not timid or afraid, because his or her friends do it, to look cool, to act grown-up, sign of rebellion, parents are smokers, role models smoke, because of advertisement, for weight loss, and to reduce anxiety.The effects of smoking in the workplace can lead to unscheduled smoke breaks, absenteeism, involuntary smoking, second-hand smoke, higher insurance premiums, increased chances of lung cancer in non-smokers and smokers, heart disease in non-smokers and smokers, effects the fetus of a pregnant worker, and irritation of eyes, headaches, nasal discomfort, cough, sore throat, or sneezing. To help employees control his or her smoking habit should begin with restricting smoking in the workplace.By doing this it helps promote a healthy program in the workplace. Considering that exposure to tobacco smoke is a health hazard that many face on a daily basis. Therefore some would agree that this exposure should be addressed, therefore making it a workplace health program for all non-smoker and smokers. In order to help employees control his or her smoking habits is to introduce a smoking policy. When this policy is introduced it should be enforced at all times by smokers and backed by all employers and employees.A company can also help those who want to stop smoking by offering fitness and nutritional counseling, exercise classes, and organized sports activities. The relationship between mental health and tobacco can be good and bad. People with Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder receive a calming effect from the nicotine. Although nicotine provides a calming sensation short term, in the long term it can cause mental illness and other health issues.Some people begin to smoke because of depression, although once he or she try to quit they are likely to experience an episode of major depression. One can also experience insomnia, irritability, frustration, anger, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, decreased heart rate, increased appetite, and weight gain. In conclusion smoking tobacco can cause serious damage to every organ in one’s body. It is very harmful to the lungs and the cardiovascular system, this becoming the leading cause of premature death in smokers.It also causes other diseases such as: heart disease, lung cancer, emphysema, peptic ulcer disease, and a stroke. References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (1991, June). Retrieved from http://www. cdc. gov Environment Tobacco Smoke (ETS): Workplace Policy. (2011, March 1). Retrieved from http://www. ccohs. ca Mental Health Realities. (2011, July 18). Retrieved from http://mentalhealthrealities. blogspot. com Sarafino, E. (2011). Health psychology: Biopsychosocial interactions (7th ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Wanderer

I sat there on the bus, contemplating the abnormal events of the day and staring at the thick snow that lay outside. It was a long bus journey back to my house and I had a long time to spend with the not particularly talkative driver. I think the driver had become accustomed to my presence as I travelled on the bus every Friday night. He would always let me on the bus without charging me and wait for another ten minutes and see if anyone else got on, which they never did. I had not, for as long as I remember had a conversation with him, and had for a long time now forgotten the sound of his voice. The only sound I would hear on a typical journey was the quiet grumbling of the bus driver and the loud roaring of the buses engine. Nobody got on the bus this late at night. I was as I was saying, contemplating the events of the day, when I was interrupted mid thought by a more pressing realization. The bus was now stopping. This may seem a very normal thing for a bus to do, this bus however never stopped except for myself. The bus had stopped to let on another passenger. I looked forward to this, as my usual journey would include no human interaction. The passenger was a man, that I guessed to be in his mid thirties. I took a quick look up and down him. I looked up and down him again with a bit more detail. No snow, he must have been standing at the bus stop for a little while, as buses never come on time, yet he had avoided getting any snow on him. My own boots were cased in a think slushy mess, but his fine black shoes were hardly even wet. My jeans and thick jacket, which I was quite fond of, were no longer covered in snow but were wet from the snow that had melted in the comfortable warmth of the bus. His trousers that had been ironed to perfection and the suit that he wore were both black as midnight and looked of incredible quality. The man himself was bald and was cleanly shaven; he was yet to face me as he was talking to the bus driver. He carried nothing in his hands but kept his body still with his arms by his sides while talking. I started to hear their conversation after I was done scanning his person. â€Å"Shame that it had to happen isn't it?† The bus driver said in a burst of conversation. This in itself came as a shock to my system; it was such a long time since the bus driver had spoken in my presence. What was a real shock is what came next. â€Å"Yes, the poor elderly lady must have been quite shaken by the ordeal.† replied the stranger. His voice was eerie. He talked normally of course, but that was the problem, it was too normal. He voice stayed at the same volume and pitch all the time, he didn't change the level of excitement in his voice. He had no accent, he spoke perfectly and I was surprised to find that the bus driver, who had a strong accent, could understand him. It was then I realised that they were in fact talking about what they had interrupted me thinking about. Earlier in my day I had witnessed an attack on an elderly lady. A young teenager had an interest in her handbag and its contents. My good nature combined with my belief that today's youth should not be able to do as they please, caused me to leap into action. I had started shouting at the young boy and walking towards him, I expected him to run away and that to be the end of it. I pushed the boy back from the old lady and told her that she would be okay and should hurry home. It was after this as I was swinging round to give the boy a stern talking to, that I felt a sharp blow to my neck and then it was black. I woke up about two minutes later with a bit of a sore neck but otherwise unharmed. The stranger walked down the bus and sat at a seat just in front of mine. I had seen his face as he walked down but there was nothing interesting about it, apart from the fact there was nothing interesting about it. He sat with the same amazingly straight posture as when he was standing. â€Å"Where you gettin' off then?† the driver cried down the bus. â€Å"Crescent Road† the stranger replied. â€Å"Oh, surprise surprise† the bus driver chuckled to himself. The stranger didn't understand what the bus driver was talking about but I did. The bus driver still only had to make the one stop because mine and the stranger's stops were in fact the same. I thought this to be a remarkable coincidence. I returned to watching the snow falling gently outside. The night sky seemed to give me the impression that tonight was different in some way to every other night. I was snapped out of this small trance by the stranger standing and making his way to the front of the bus. Fortunately he was on the bus to remind me that at some point I would have to get off, and up I leapt. The bus pulled in to the stop as I staggered to keep my balance. The stranger moved to the side to let me past and to say thank you to the driver. I got off the bus and stepped onto the crisp snow that had just fallen. The stranger followed and we started on our way home. The stranger barged past me and started to walk briskly. I thought this to be quite rude and so I started to walk just as briskly to catch up with him. Even when in a hurry the man walked with impeccable posture. â€Å"I much prefer the summer to this.† I said jokingly in an attempt to spark a conversation. The man simply took a deep breath and proceeded to walk more slowly. I walked beside him, he looked quite troubled. I felt compelled to try and comfort him. I reached to put my hand on his shoulder as my brain prepared my next sentence. He stopped. His head darted in the direction of my face. It was not that he was looking at me, more that he was looking exactly in my direction. His look was empty and cold. He continued on his way and I kept my distance, I hoped he would enter one of the houses that we were passing but he didn't. He continued to wander the same way as I was. He wandered across the small road we came to and up onto the footpath that lead up to my cul-de-sac. The road was known for being dangerously icy. The path was also terribly dark and had trees along either side. This was all well and good during the daylight hours, but at night however the trees took on a more sinister presence and seemed to position themselves to block out the view of the moon or any other source of light. In front of me was the man, no more than five metres away. I could only just make out his suit and trousers. I could only just make out his shape. He was getting further away from me. I was trying to navigate the slippier parts of the path. â€Å"Are you having as much trouble as I am?† I exclaimed trying again to get the attention of the wanderer. â€Å"Don't be silly† the wanderer turned and said. I could only just make out his face and was unsure whether he was talking to me or himself. Before I could come to this decision he turned and started the brisk walking again. I followed to catch up with him and was looking for him through the black screen that was in front of my eyes. I hit the ground. It hurt and I was catching up on what had just happened. I had tripped up on the shape of the wandering man. He had fallen in on the ice and from what I could see had hit his head off the ground. I leant over to help him up but was knocked away as he lifted himself off the hard frozen ground. He held his hand to his head, and I was now quite worried about him, he looked like he had hit the ground with some force. He looked very frightened and was almost running along the road. We exited the small wooded path and to a fork in the road. I could see my house from here it was the first in the cul-de-sac on the right. The wandering stranger made his way along the road to the left and I felt it was my duty to follow him and to see if he was okay. Luckily for him his house was not far along the road and he entered the front gate of an impressive looking building, the wanderer had found his home. He left the gate open for me and I entered the garden. He entered the house and I followed. I stood in his porch as he rushed upstairs. I heard the sound of running water and I assumed that he was cleaning himself up. He returned a short while after and came slowly down the stairs. He was talking to a woman which I can only presume was his wife. â€Å"I am fine really, I just got a bit shook up along the path there† the man said. â€Å"I do worry about you, you know† Replied his wife â€Å"Look what happened to that kind gentleman in town today. He helps an old lady get her handbag back and gets beaten to death† I stood there baffled, and felt a shiver down my spine. I started to feel myself slipping away as I struggled with the events of the day. I had stopped wandering, I had found my home and I knew where I had to go†¦

Friday, September 27, 2019

Organizational Behavior Study Case Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organizational Behavior - Case Study Example The reason why she is well liked is not because she is just nice. Jennifer is well liked because people just knew they could count on her and thus making her popular. She also has manifested traits of leadership beginning on the early days of his career which signify that her leadership skills are genuine and is not a pretension just to get the post. Her leadership achievements included helping to form the first union, getting grants, writing skits for the faculty clubs annual follies, and going out of her way to befriend everyone who needed support. In addition, she also has an inexorable source of energy which is essential for leaders. She also knew the university well having built her career there. She was the President of the Faculty Senate and served as vice president for 10 years and handled difficult issues such as academic complaints and overseeing several committees. Jennifer however is not the perfect candidate for the position because she lacked outside experience and her strength could also be the source of her weakness. Essentially, Jennifer Treeholm’s experience only revolved around Mid West University. This means that she lack the diversity of experience and exposure to the professional world. She is also extremely close to her peers which may not work well when she becomes President because it may cloud her objectivity running the danger of playing favorites. Their every-Friday-night watering hole is also not healthy if she becomes President because it would be considered inappropriate for a university president to be on a drinking binge with her subordinates. Weighing Jennifer Treeholm’s strength against her weakness however still does not make her a lesser option or a bad option for the post. Her weakness can be easily overcome if she chose to. She has a Ph.D and most likely knows that being too close to a one group of people is not good especially if they are their subordinates. She

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Argument Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Argument Analysis - Assignment Example moted to write the article by the heavy persuasion from his followers, who emphasized that Santiago could be right, which would see him reconsider his previous position (Ebert 1). The article takes on a debate which has featured in other article, including â€Å"Sorry MoMA, Video games are not art† which was published in the guardian online magazine (Jones 1). However, the author was prompted to write the article, mainly, by the response of game producer Santiago and the attention offered to the issue by his followers and audience. For that reason, the article is directed towards clearing Santiago’s criticism, as well as offering his audience, more information about his position on the issue (Ebert 1). The common experience among the target audience is that they are art and Video game enthusiasts, and in their view, video games are as interactive as traditional art. For that reason, it is possible that they hold a biased view of the issue, mainly because the audience a nd Santiago are all presenting personal views of art and games. Through authoring the article, the author hopes to clear the air about the issue, therefore communicating the rationales behind his statements that video games are not art (Ebert 1). The author of the article, Robert Ebert has worked in the area of critiquing film for the Chicago Sun-Times starting 1967. Through his career, he has been recognized by the Hollywood walk of fame, awarded a star and pointed out as an â€Å"honorary member of the Directors guild of America† (Ebert [b] 1). The author’s occupation is film critic, screenwriter and journalist; therefore his strong background in the field qualifies him to be a noteworthy writer on the topic. His entry into the field of journalism during his early years qualified him to grow into a highly experienced film and art critic. The author’s political inclination was neutral, and that was evident from his emphasis that his kindness insulates all his political beliefs (Ebert [b]

The Buddhist Discipline Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

The Buddhist Discipline - Research Paper Example This research paper demonstrates Buddhists history, practices, teachings and disciplines, that are followed by more than 375 million people these days. Founded in northeastern India between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE by Siddhartha Gautama, Buddhism has emerged into one of the world’s most influential major religions and philosophical thoughts. Through missionary activity, it spreads from India to Central and Southeast Asia, China, Korea, and Japan, and in the 20th century it found its way into Africa, Europe, The Americas, and Australia. Currently, the fourth largest religion, Buddhism plays a central role in the spiritual, cultural, and social life of its followers. Despite the distinctive practices and unique collections of canonical texts of the two schools (branches) of Buddhism, Mahayana and Theravada, Buddhism’s main teachings (discipline) are focused on resolving the issue of human suffering. These teaching are summarized in the Four Noble Truths, of which the fourth is the Eightfold Path. Accepted by all schools of Buddhism, the Four Noble Truths is one of the fundamental teachings of Buddhism and is said to have been taught by the Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, in his first sermon, which he delivered after his enlightenment. The Eightfold Path is a subject of less discussion in Buddhist circle than the Four Noble Truths. These eight elements, which are correct view, an accurate understanding of the nature of things, specifically the Four Noble Truths. Rebirth and karma are other Buddhist teachings, that are mentioned in this research paper.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mathematical Methods in Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Mathematical Methods in Business - Assignment Example The function below approximates the weekly box office receipts for a popular movie, where x = the number of weeks the movie has been playing.  The function below approximates the weekly box office receipts for a popular movie, where x = the number of weeks the movie has been playing.  What is the rate of change of weekly receipts per theater after 10 weeks?The selling price of a product is $400, and the manufacturer is able to sell every unit it makes. The cost of producing x units is given by this formula.A company has developed a function that describes its profit over time. The x variable measures time. If the first derivative of the function is negative at a value of x, it means that the company is not making a profit at that point in time.A function has the characteristics listed in the bullets below. Use the characteristics to construct a rough sketch of the function using this x axis:_________________________________________________________________________________-20                   -15                   -10                  -5                     0                     5                   10                   15                   20†¢ The function has three critical points†¢ When x = -20, the first derivative is positive†¢ When x = -10, the first derivative is zero and the second derivative is negative†¢ When x = 5, the first derivative is zero†¢ When x = 15, the first derivative is zero indicates whether each of these statements is true or false11. T F When x = 0, the first derivative is positive12. T F When x = 5 the second derivative is positive13. T F When x = 15 the second derivative is positive14. T F the basic shape of this curve is more like an M than a W15. T F For any value of x larger than 15, the first derivative will always be negative

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

International Law , A treaty is basically an agreement between parties Assignment

International Law , A treaty is basically an agreement between parties on the international scene. Although treaties may be co - Assignment Example Sources of international law are referred as materials as well as procedures by which a state tends to impose certain guidelines and rules in order to regulate the international trade community. Moreover, international law is also characterised as a kind of obligation which exists between two or more states. It comprises international institutions which play major roles administrating the issues regarding legal matters in terms of global telecommunication, human rights and ‘the law of the sea’. It is a decentralized form of law which is developed by the states generally in the form of global conferences, treaties and usual international law enactments1. Based on this context, the study concentrates on the nature and operation of the treaties as a valid source of international law. Literature Review It is in this context that various studies have been conducted with the sole intention to understand the implications of international law in relation to the treaties signed b y two or more states. ... trines regarding the sources of international law studied by various scholarly writers concentrating on the conditions under which treaties and basic guidelines of the law acted as a hierarchy. As stated by Kennedy (1987), the ‘International Court of Justice (ICJ)’ whose operation is determined according to the international law, court is bound to be applied under the four sources i.e., ‘global conference’, ‘international custom’, ‘general guidelines of the law’ and ‘judicial decisions’. Notably, all these four sources have been mentioned in Article 38(1) of the Statue of the ICJ. Moreover this article also states that as per the enumeration of these sources, ICJ should be scrutinized in order to find the necessary legal concerns to resolve the cases of the states involved through treaties2. According to D’Amato (1962), treaties are often enacted as a source of ‘General Rules of the International Lawâ€℠¢. It is in this context that the example of the ‘Nottebohm Case’ which took place in the year 1955 is regarded as a significant illustration of ICJ’s judgements regarding treaties. Undoubtedly, this case has been considered as an isolated instance regarding the utilization of the treaties. It was fundamentally owing to the reason that this case was related with the report regarding the international tribunals where one party(s) supports the argument of the treaty while the other party(s) perceives a contradictory view concerning similar aspects. In addition, D’Amato (1962) affirms that customary international laws only recover the small section of the global functioning norms and frequently concentrate upon the interference of rules and regulations of the treaty within the field of customary practices. In modern times certain areas of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Electrostatic discharge Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Electrostatic discharge - Thesis Example ESD related fire accidents are fairly common in industries that handle or use flammable liquids or gases. ESD related damage is seen in large rotating equipment and some of the coal mine explosions are attributed to ESD. Training of people and compliance with safety procedures are important to prevent ESD accidents. Static electricity is the build up of electric charge on the surface of an object due to friction or contact with other objects. This charge gets released when the object comes in contact with an object that is grounded or has charge of the opposite polarity. The release of stored charge is termed electrostatic discharge (ESD). A common experience of ESD is the mild electric shock experienced when touching a metal doorknob after walking across a synthetic carpet or from the car body after sliding across a car seat. Lightning is an example of ESD caused by the build-up for electrostatic charge in thunder clouds and a lighting strike is an illustration of the enormous energy that could be released from an electrostatic discharge. Static electricity is considered the oldest known form of electrical energy. The Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus, Greece observed in 600 BC that amber rods rubbed with fur had the ability to attract dry leaves and dust. The Thales observation can be reproduced at home by running a comb through dry hair and seeing that it can attract pieces of thread or paper. In the 1400s, several military forts in Europe and the Caribbean experienced inadvertent explosions in gunpowder stores due to static electricity. In the 1860s, paper mills in the US found that grounding and ionization of air helped dissipate static electricity build up on the paper web as it travelled through drying conveyors. Several other industries now regularly install electrostatic discharge control measures including petrochemicals, pharmaceutical,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

School Uniforms Essay Example for Free

School Uniforms Essay This essay will discuss about school uniforms. This is important because school uniforms is a big topic with a lot of opinion, so now i will tell my opinion about it. As an example for a pro argument is that every student would be seen as equal. And for a counter argument would be that they cant express their own individuality. It is firmly my belief that school uniforms is not needed in school. One of the most common argument that you hear is about bullying. But if someone in the school wants to bully someone they dont care about the clothes that the person is wearing. So what i mean is that even if we would have uniforms they will find something else to bully the person for. But it might make people understand that they should not judge people of what they are wearing. A lot of people talk about individuality, and a uniform would stop so that you cant express yourself through your cloths. And this is an important time in a teens life to be able to find yourself, where you belong and where you feel comfortable. And this will affect how you are as a person when you become older. But on the other hand you should be able to express yourself through your appearance not only buy clothes. A big problem with school uniforms would cost for the uniforms. It would not be that much of a cost , but if you have more than one child it would be a lot of money in the length of time and especially when the children is in the state of growing so they would need to buy new uniforms quite often. to summarize it all together, it would be hard to say to the students that they would need to wear uniforms because we need our clothes to feel safe as who we are and it would not live up to what they expected as a result if we were given uniforms. This is a big topic that have both pro and cons argument but mine opinion will always be against school uniforms.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

History Of Music An Overview

History Of Music An Overview The definition of music is defined in many ways; Websters definition is as follows an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, or harmony. There are many theories regarding when and where music formed. Many agree that music began even before man existed. Researchers point out that there are six periods of music and each period has a certain style of music that made what music is today. Here are some resources for you to better understand the history of music. (Estrella 2001) Music is traced back as far as ancient Israel a thousand years before Christ; King David composed and sang hundreds of songs called psalms. A few of them are written in the old testament in the book of Psalms. But music as we know it now, as having structure and form, may have begun in the 10th century with the Gregorian chants. These songs were organized and detailed with soloists and small groups singing distinctive parts. The music we are more in common with began around the year 1200 and soon after, troubadours singing folk music starting to appear in parts of Europe. The appearance of composers, made music, and the creation of the instruments such as the piano and lute. (Ezine Articles 2005) The years 1750 to 1820 is known as the Classical period with the piano being a composers instrument of choice. Mozart wrote his first symphony, Bach performed in London, and Beethoven was finally born. Many of the symphonies we enjoy today were written during this time. Music has truly evolved since this period though. In 1900, a man named Scott Joplin had composed and published the Maple Leaf Rag, an event many see as the beginnings of the music we know today as popular music. Soon after, new musical forms were taking hold. Jazz in the 1930s (Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday), big band music in the 1940s (Tommy Dorsey, Duke Ellington), and rock-and-roll (Elvis Presley, Chuck Barry) in the 1950s. Other countries (most notably France and Spain) were creating their own popular music during this time. (Ezine 2005) The three time periods I want to focus on is Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary. This is all known to us to day as Opera, RB, Rock, Hip Hop, Soul, etc. Music has been around for years and can be broken down into many stages or cycles. People everywhere all over the world make their own style of music. Every genre, sound, melody is different in some way. When we look at the medieval music, we are dealing with the longest and most distant period of musical history. Saint Gregory is credited with organizing the huge repertory of chant that developed during the first centuries of the Christian church, hence the term Gregorian chant. He was pope from 590 to 604, and the medieval era continued into the 1400s, so this period consists of music. One of the principal difficulties in studying medieval music is that a system for notating music developed only gradually. The first examples of musical notation date from around 900. For several centuries, notation only indicated what pitch to sing. The system for notating rhythm started in the 12th or 13th century. Gregorian chant is monophonic, meaning music that consists of only one melodic line without accompaniment. The beauty of chant lies in the serene, undulating shapes of its melody. We do not know who wrote the melodies of Gregorian chant. Like folk melodies, the music probably mutated as it was passed down through generations and eventually reached its notated form. Polyphony, music where two or more melodic lines are heard simultaneously, did not exist (or was not notated) until the 11th century. Unlike chant, polyphony required the participation of a composer to combine the melodic lines in a pleasing manner. Although most medieval polyphonic music is anonymousthe names of the composers were either lost or never written down at allthere are composers whose work was so important that their names were preserved along with their music. (Ezine 2005) Renaissance is reflected by the changing role of the composer in society. Unlike most of their medieval times, the great masters of the Renaissance were created in their own lifetimes. The technique of printing music, while slow to evolve, helped in the preservation and distribution of music and musical ideas. Sacred music was still predominant, though other music became more prevalent and more sophisticated. The repertory of instrumental music also began to expand significantly. New instruments were invented, including the clavichord and virginal and many existing instruments were improved. Masses and motets were the primary forms of sacred vocal polyphony. Other vocal forms included motets, madrigals and songs (generally accompanied by lute or a small instrumental ensemble or consort). Instrumental pieces were usually short polyphonic works or music for dancing. (Ezine 2005) Compared with the medieval style, Renaissance polyphony was lush and sonorous. The era between Josquin Desprez and Palestrina is known as the golden age of polyphony. Imitationwhere one melodic line shares, or imitates the same musical theme as a previous melodic linebecame an important polyphonic technique. Imitation was one method composers used to make complex music more easily comprehensible and give the listener a sense of structure. Imitative polyphony can be heard in the masses and motets of composers from Josquin onward and is featured in instrumental music by Byrd, Gibbons, and the Gabriellis. Baroque music is often highly ornate, colorful and richly textured when compared with its predecessors. Opera was born at what is considered to be the very beginning of the Baroque era, around 1600. This unique form combines poetry, theater, the visual arts and music. It came about because a group of Italian intellectuals wanted to recapture the spirit of ancient Greek drama in which music played a key role. The first great opera was Orfeo, by Claudio Monteverdi, first performed in 1607. Musics ability to express human emotions and depict natural phenomenon was explored throughout the Baroque period. Vivaldis famous set of concertos, The Four Seasons, is a famous example. Although imitative polyphony remained fundamental to musical composition, homophonic writing became increasingly important. Homophonic music features a clear distinction between the melody line and a subsidiary accompaniment part. This style was important in opera and other solo vocal music because it focused the li steners attention on the expressive melody of the singer. The homophonic style gradually became prevalent in instrumental music as well. (Ezine 2005) Many Baroque works include a continuo part in which a keyboard (harpsichord or organ) and bass instrument (cello or bassoon) provide the harmonic underpinning of chords that accompanies the melodic line. New polyphonic forms were developed, and as in the Renaissance, composers considered the art of counterpoint (the crafting of polyphony) to be essential to their art. Canons and fugues, two very strict forms of imitative polyphony, were extremely popular. Composers were even expected to be able to improvise complex fugues on a moments notice to prove their skill. The orchestra evolved during the early Baroque, starting as an accompanist for operatic and vocal music. By the mid-1600s the orchestra had a life of its own. The concerto was a favorite Baroque form that featured a solo instrumentalist (or small ensemble of soloists) playing against the orchestra, creating interesting contrasts of volume and texture. Many Baroque composers were also virtuoso performers. For example, Archang elo Corelli was famous for his violin playing and Johann Sebastian Bach was famous for his keyboard skills. The highly ornamented quality of Baroque melody lent itself perfectly to such displays of musical dexterity. (Grieg 2002) The word Classical has strong meaning, mixed with the art and Philosophy of Ancient Greece and Rome, along with their ideals of disciplined expression. The late Braque was complex and melodically different. The composers of the early Classical period changed direction, writing music that was much simpler to understand. Homophony music, another part of classical music in which melody and charm are distinct, and has dominated the Classical style is another form of classical music. New forms of composition were developed to accommodate the transformation. Santana Form is the most important of these forms, and one that continued to evolve throughout the Classical period. Although Baroque composers also wrote pieces called sonatas, the Classical sonata was different. The essence of the Classical Sonata is difficult to understand. A highly simplified example of such a conflict might be between two themes of contrasting character. (Grieg 2002) This contrast would be found during the course of the sonata, and then resolved. Sonata form allowed composers to give pure instrumental music recognizable dramatic shape. Every major form of the Classical era, including the string quartet, symphony and concerto was molded on the dramatic structure of the sonata. One of the most important developments of the Classical period is the growth of the public concert. Although the aristocracy would continue to play a significant role in musical life, it was now possible for composers to survive without being the employee of one person or family. This also meant that concerts were no longer limited to palace drawing rooms. Composers organized concerts featuring their own music, and attracted large audiences. The increasing popularity of the public concert had a strong impact on the growth of the orchestra. Although chamber music and solo works were played in the home or other intimate settings, orchestral concerts seemed to be naturally designed for big public spaces. As a result, symphonic music composers gradually expanded the size of the orchestra to accommodate this expanded musical vision. (Grieg 2002) Just as the word Classical conjures up certain images, Romantic music also does the same. Whether we think of those romance novels with the Romanticism implies fantasy and sensuality. The Classical period focused on emotional restraint. Classical music was expressive, but not so passionate that it could overwhelm the work Beethoven, who was in some ways responsible for igniting the flame of romanticism, always struggled (sometimes unsuccessfully) to maintain that balance. (Greig 2002) Many composers of the Romantic period followed Beethovens model and found their own balance between emotional intensity and Classical form. Others reveled in the new atmosphere of artistic freedom and created music whose structure was designed to support its emotional surges. Musical story-telling became important, and not just in opera, but in pure instrumental music as well. The tone-poem is a particularly Romantic invention, as it was an orchestral work whose structure was entirely dependent on the scene being depicted or the story being told. Color was another important feature of Romantic music. A large palette of musical colors was necessary to depict the exotic scenes that became so popular. In addition to seeking out the sights and sounds of other places, composers began exploring the music of their native countries. Nationalism became a driving force in the late Romantic period and composers wanted their music to express their cultural identity. This desire was particularly intense in Russia and Eastern Europe, where elements of folk music were incorporated into symphonies, tone-poems and other Classical forms. (Wagner 1999) The Romantic period was the days of the virtuoso. Gifted performers and particularly pianists, violinists, and singers became enormously popular. Liszt, the great Hungarian pianist/composer, reportedly played with such passion and intensity that woman in the audience would faint. Since, like Liszt, most composers were also virtuoso performers, it was inevitable that the music they wrote would be extremely challenging to play. The Romantic period witnessed a glorification of the artist whether musician, poet or painter that has had a powerful impact on our own culture. (Wagner 1999) This style of music became known as being romantic. The evolution of music is at least partly shaped by the influence one composer has on another. These influences are not always positive, however. Sometimes composers react against the music of their recent past (even though they might admire it) and move in what seems to be the opposite direction. For example, the simplified style of the early Classical period was almost certainly a reaction to the extreme intricacies of the late Baroque. The late Romantic period featured its own extremes: sprawling symphonies and tone-poems overflowing with music that seemed to stretch harmony and melody to their limits. It is certainly possible to view some early 20th century music as an extension of the late Romantic style, but a great deal of it can also be interpreted as a reaction against that style. 20th century music is a series of isms and neo-isms. The primal energy of Stravinskys Rite of Spring has been called neo-Primitivism. The intensely emotional tone of Schà ¶nbergs early music has b een labeled Expressionism. The return to clearly structured forms and textures has been dubbed neo-Classicism. (R. Strauss) These terms have been employed in an attempt to organize the diversity of styles running through the 20th century. Nationalism continued to be a strong musical influence in the first half of the century. The study of folk songs enriched the music of numerous composers, such as Ralph Vaughan Williams (England), Bela Bartok (Hungary), Heitor Villa Lobos (Brazil) and Aaron Copland (USA). Jazz and popular musical styles have also been tremendously influential on classical composers from both the United States and Europe. Technology has played a increasingly important role in the development of 20th century music. Composers have used recording tape as a compositional tool (such as Steve Reichs Violin Phase). Electronically generated sounds have been used both on their own and in combination with traditional instruments. More recently, computer technology has been used in a variety of ways, including manipulating the performance of instruments in real time. (R. Strauss) So as you can see, music has been around for centuries. Many people have helped music evolve over the years. The six long periods of music that were discussed above really helped music become what is today. Although each individual listen to various types of music they all started the same, with either a rhythm or beat. Music was originated long before humans even existed and grew from there. Music in general has made the world a better place. It gives people a way to express themselves. Music has been called The International Language; a very simple thought with much meaning behind it. Even if you cant speak the language of a country, you can move, sway, dance and most of all enjoy the music of the country. We may not understand the words of a musical selection but we do understand the beauty. (Ruth 2008) Musics interconnection with society can be seen throughout history. Every known culture on the earth has music. Music seems to be one of the basic actions of humans. However, early music was not handed down from generation to generation or recorded. Hence, there is no official record of prehistoric music. Even so, there is evidence of prehistoric music from the findings of flutes carved from bones. The influence of music on society can be clearly seen from modern history. Music helped Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration of Independence. When he could not figure out the right wording for a certain part, he would play his violin to help him. The music helped him get the words from his brain onto the paper. In general, responses to music are able to be observed. It has been proven that music influences humans both in good and bad ways. These effects are instant and long lasting. Music is thought to link all of the emotional, spiritual, and physical elements of the universe. Music can also be used to change a persons mood, and has been found to cause like physical responses in many people simultaneously. Music also has the ability to strengthen or weaken emotions from a particular event such as a funeral. People perceive and respond to music in different ways. The level of musicianship of the performer and the listener as well as the manner in which a piece is performed affects the experience of music. An experienced and accomplished musician might hear and feel a piece of music in a totally different way than a non-musician or beginner. This is why two accounts of the same piece of music can contradict themselves. (ODonnell 2001) According to The Center for New Discoveries in Learning, learning potential can be increased a minimum of five times by using this 60 beats per minute music. For example, the ancient Greeks sang their dramas because they understood how music could help them remember more easily). A renowned Bulgarian psychologist, Dr. George Lozanov, designed a way to teach foreign languages in a fraction of the normal learning time. Using his system, students could learn up to one half of the vocabulary and phrases for the whole school term (which amounts to almost 1,000 words or phrases) in one day. Along with this, the average retention rate of his students was 92%. Dr. Lozanovs system involved using certain classical music pieces from the baroque period which have around a 60 beats per minute pattern. He has proven that foreign languages can be learned with 85-100% efficiency in only thirty days by using these baroque pieces. His students had a recall accuracy rate of almost 100% even after not r eviewing the material for four years. The article above discusses how the history of music not only helped human beings but impacted their lives greatly to where we learn better and think better. (ODonnell 2001)

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Vietnam War Essay -- Vietnam War Essays

There were many events that lead up the Vietnam War, it started in 1945 with the hostilities between the French and Vietminh. â€Å"Geopolitical Strategy, economics, domestic US politics, and cultural arrogance shaped the growing American involvement in Vietnam† (Anderson 1). As a matter of fact, the Vietnam War was several wars, but it was not until 1962 that America had their first combat mission, however, Americans were killed during ambushes by the Vietnamese before the first combat mission. There is much controversy over the reasons for the Vietnam War, supported by the several different books and articles written about the war. â€Å"The most famous atrocity occurred in a tiny hamlet called My Lai in March 1968† (Detzer 127). History shows that the reaction of many Americans to the attack by US soldiers on the village of My Lai during the Vietnam War was opposition, and the actions of the US soldiers during the My Lai Massacre will be forever remembered as a sign ificant part of the Vietnam War and American History. During the Vietnam War, the first platoon (approximately forty men) was lead by a young officer named William Calley. Young Calley was drafted into the US Army after high school, but it did not take long for him to adjust to being in the army, with a quick transition to the lifestyle of the military, he wanted to make it his career. In high school, Calley was a kind, likable and â€Å"regular† high school student, he seemed to be a normal teenager, having interest in things that other boys his age typically had. He was never observed acting in a cruel or brutal way. In Vietnam, Calley was under direct order of company commander, Captain Ernest Medina, whom he saw as a role model, he looked up to Medina. (Detzer 127). Histor... ...nd innocent villagers of My Lai, it was a time when American’s questioned their own as being â€Å"bad guys† or â€Å"good guys†. Were America’s tortuous and cruel acts to be considered patriotic or dishonorable? Some Americans, with bitter feelings for all the American lives lost in the Vietnam War, gave credit to Lieutenant Calley for leading troops in participating in such an atrocious event. History shows that there is still much debate on some facts of the massacre and many stories and opinions, although we will never know the facts exactly, what we do know is that America will never forget this tragic event, it will be talked about in American History for many years to come, and the Vietminh hearts will always fill with sadness when they think of the many lives that were lost on that tragic day in history, their minds will always have unspeakable memories of that day.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

I was interested in languages since I was just 3 years old. I liked especially English as it was the second language after Armenian that I heard in my childhood and which had a great sway on me. It was mostly because of the Disney cartoons. Growing up under the influence of those cartoons and movies I started learning English. First movie by Walt Disney that I saw was "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". This movie made me fall in love with English. I started developing my language skills with listening to music and watching movies in English. Going deeper into the lyrics and movies, I was able to understand the beauty of this language. And also those movies helped me create my dreams. Since my childhood, I dreamed about founding my own TV Company for children in my hometown, since I believe mass communication, including television should have an educational value, because of the scale of impact it has. The department of Mass Communication which I’ve chosen will give me knowledge for developing quality programs, films and other materials. In recent years, I had tutorial lesson...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Fourteenth Century Castle :: Free Essay Writer

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Towering high above the landscape, European castles still look commanding. Imagine how powerful a castle looked 600 years ago when it was brand new. A castle was built to impress. It was the home of a powerful warlord. From its safety he ruled the surrounding land. Castles building began in the 10th Century. The first castles that were built replaced wooden forts. Castles evolved and became stronger as methods of warfare changed. In the next few paragraphs I will be talking about how warriors surrounded and attacked a castle, how the people in the castle prepared for war, how they defended themselves, and how they lived in peace. A castle was usually built on top of a cliff so it would be harder for the opposition to reach it. It was also surrounded by a moat which was a water filled ditch. This ditch surrounded two sides of the castle that were not protected by a cliff. The moat also provided food for the people living inside the castle. The castle was built out of brick and had a very thick wall. The thick walls were more than 8(ft) thick and the walls of castle towers were even thicker. There were also towers built on top of the castles. The towers enabled the defenders to see anyone approaching the castle, and to fire at them with bows or siege engines. The first point of attack was usually the main entrance. A gate house protected the way into the castle. Anybody who tried to get into the building was either caught by the guards or was killed by the traps that were set up in the castle. In the castle there were several walls that enclosed the courtyards. Each courtyard was called a bailey. During the war men women and children sheltered here. When there was no war these court yards were used for work shops. During the war The water supply was vital, especially when the castle was surrounded. Wells were dug into the rock below the castle, the water was used for bathing and drinking. The Lord lived at the heart of the castle which was called a keep. If the defenders broke into the castle all the remaining soldiers would go into the keep and fight to the death. Women and children took shelter in the castle while the fighting was going on. If food ran out in the castle, the defenders would throw out anybody who couldn’t fight.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Country Review: China Essay

The year 2008 has been a colorful year for China, with a lot of events to highlight the country all year round. The Olympic Games was one of its most successful endeavors for the year. But the country also had its share of controversies this year, like issues on food contamination and many more. Before the Olympic Games kicked off, one of the issues being discussed was the quality of China’s air. It is very important since the Olympic Games is a major sports event. In an article from BBC News, China has confirmed that the air quality of the host city Beijing has been good (Bristow). The pollution level of the area was able to meet the expected standards on every day that the event and this is the output of extensive measures done in order to reduce the emissions during the Olympic Games. Another historic event for China was the country’s first successful spacewalk, which was a part of a 68-hour voyage in space. All three astronauts successfully returned to the Beijing Aerospace Center after their three day mission in outer space(Yinan). China was the third country to conduct a spacewalk, behind the United States of America and Russia. The crew of Shenzhou VII safely landed in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, marking the end of their space escapade which has started on September 25, 2008. In relation to the two previous news articles, China had enough reason to celebrate its National Day last Monday because of their hosting of the Olympic Games in Beijing and the country’s first ever spacewalk. In a Yahoo! News article, China highlighted on these two events as their biggest triumphs for the year, despite other issues like natural calamities, ethnic problems, and food safety scandals (Chang). In Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s address, he touched lightly on the calamities and problems but gave focus on China’s ability to take care of all these issues. The 59th founding anniversary of the People’s Republic of China is this coming Wednesday, and it would also mark thirty years of economic reforms, turning the country into one of the world’s largest factory floors. One of the calamities that shook China this year was a 7. 8 magnitude earthquake last August 12. In a BBC News article, it was reported that almost 900 students are buried in a school building that collapsed when it was hit by the killer quake (BBC News â€Å"‘Hundreds Buried’ by China Quake†). The quake hit Sichuan province’s capital Chengdu, claiming hundreds of lives instantly. The rubbles of the Juyuan Middle School’s building buried a lot of teenagers, some of which are still alive and desperately crying for help. President Hu Jintao immediately ordered an all out effort to help and rescue the victims of the killer earthquake. In another BBC News article dated August 10, 2008, seven militants and a security guard immediately died after a series of bombings hit west China, specifically in the northwest area of the Xinjiang region (BBC News â€Å"Deadly Violence Hits West China â€Å"). These acts of violence targeted a police station and other populated areas. Xinjiang has a large population of Muslim Uighurs, and some of them are separatists, fighting for independence and waging low level campaigns against the Chinese rule for several years already. In the aspect of foreign affairs, China also had its share of problems. In a Yahoo! News article dated September 29, Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jabao said that there is a need for more negotiation regarding Iran’s nuclear program, rather than pressuring them more (Yahoo! News). He regarded that major powers like China should focus more on pursuing peaceful talks to countries such as Iran, rather than resorting to the use of force and intimidation. He is more focused on the resolution of the problem in a peaceful way, rather than being rash and using force, which would just heighten the tensions between the countries. According to the Prime Minister, Iran has the right to develop and utilize nuclear energy under the norms set by the international community, as long as they don’t build weapons of mass destruction like atomic bombs. The Prime Minister also suggested that these actions should be under close observation by the UN’s atomic watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency. China was also affected by the increasing oil prices. In a BBC News article, China’s trade surplus was greatly affected by the increasing oil costs, wherein it fell 10% in May (BBC News â€Å"Oil Costs Hit China Trade Surplus†). The main reason for this is the drastic increase in the cost of imported energy such as oil, and other raw materials being used by the country. However, reports showed that despite Chinas surplus is slowed, it still remains high compared to other countries. This is a manifestation of Chinese economy’s resilience despite some slowdowns in other countries like the United States. Experts said that export components were expected to slow down throughout the year because of the increasing cost of oil, but so far China has been doing well. In the Health aspect China has experienced several problems throughout the year. In a Los Angeles Times article dated May 4, 2008, China issues a virus alert after 23 people were killed and left 4,000 others sick (Demick). The Chinese Health Ministry issued a nationwide alert so that people would be informed and to fend off the possibility of a cover-up. The cause of the problem was the Enterovirus-71, which has also claimed lives in neighboring countries like Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and Vietnam. This virus is a perennial case in Asia, especially in the hot and humid summer months. More deaths are expected, as the disease usually peaks in the Months of June and July, as the Health Ministry warned. This has caused a lot of people to be cautious, wherein very few children or infants are seen on the streets, and even adults are even afraid to go out of their houses as they greatly fear the killer disease. The virus is characterized by occurrence of fever, and the development of sores in the mouth and facial area, and with blistery rashes. According to the World Health Organization, most cases are not fatal, as long as the people maintain a good hygiene. One of the most controversial issues faced by China this year was substandard food and other products that they import. In an article in The Guardian, dated April 22, 2008, China issues jail threat in their new food safety law (Branigan). This newly drafted law states that the manufacturers who produce food items which are substandard could be facing a life behind bars if proven guilty. This is the government’s response to allegations that the country is lenient in the aspect of food safety, that’s why producers would often take advantage of the situation and produce fake baby formula, drugs, and even toys with dangerous materials. This law would encompass not only food products but also cosmetics in order for them to boost the confidence of domestic consumers. The latest of China’s substandard products scandals was the discovery of melamine in various food items, especially in milk products. Melamine is a binding agent for boards and fibers, and is also an ingredient in making fertilizers. In an article in the M&C Health News dated September 19, 2008, Chinese health inspectors found melamine in fresh milk of three leading manufacturers in the country (M&C Health News). This testing and inspection was a government response to the contaminated milk scandal which has claimed the lives of several infants in the previous days. This has lead to nationwide inspection of milk and milk products, and many companies have already ordered a recall for their products in the world market. Works Cited: BBC News. â€Å"Deadly Violence Hits West China â€Å". 2008. BBC News. September 30 2008. . —. â€Å"‘Hundreds Buried’ by China Quake†. 2008. BBC News. September 30 2008. . —. â€Å"Oil Costs Hit China Trade Surplus†. 2008. BBC News. September 30 2008. . Branigan, Tania. â€Å"China Issues Jail Threat in New Food Safety Law†. 2008. The Guardian. September 30 2008. . Bristow, Michael. â€Å"China Jumps Olympics Air Hurdle â€Å". 2008. BBC News. September 30 2008. . Chang, Anita. â€Å"China Marks Olympics, Spacewalk for National Day†. Yahoo! News. September 30 2008. . Demick, Barbara. â€Å"China Issues Virus Alert after 23 Die†. 2008. Los Angeles Times. September 30 2008. . M&C Health News. â€Å"China’s Melamine Scandal Spreads to Fresh Milk â€Å". 2008. Monsters and Critics. September 30 2008. . Yahoo! News. â€Å"Dispute over Iran Requires More Negotiations: Chinese Pm†. 2008. Yahoo! News. September 30 2008. . Yinan, Hu. â€Å"Space Heroes Get a Rapturous Welcome†. 2008. China Daily. September 30 2008. .

Monday, September 16, 2019

Mission Statement For Apple Inc.

The company I choose to follow for the next 5. 5 weeks is Apple Inc.. They were founded on April 1, 1976 butt was incorporated on January 3, 1977. The founders were Steve Jobs and Steven Wozniak (Sanford, 2013). Apple Inc. mission statement is â€Å"Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad† (Apple Inc. 2013). When you look at a mission statement especially in this case, Apple Inc. mission statement acts as a guide to the company’s internal efficiencies because it shows all that they have accomplished as for products and services that they give to their clients and customers. Apple Inc. is rated number 6 on the fortune 500 list and they are number 6 because their missions statement makes their internal efficiencies for developing the cutting edge products and innovations. They to are always upgrading their models with either new versions or allowing downloads of the latest software so their products don’t go out of date. The only on that can define the future direction of Apple Inc. , is that of the internal efficiencies of the company for the change in its internal efforts. When you look at their mission statement their efforts are based on the products that they offer. If they have a new innovation from their efficiency and efforts internally than it can also build and re-word their mission statement. Their internal efforts are what makes their mission statement and why they are the leaders in technology. No efforts have gone with out recognition. When you think of Apple Inc. , you think of 100% their mission statement. I personally am an apple user on all levels. I use to never understand a Mac, Mp3 player or now an Ipod let alone an Ipad. However, the two founders had a dream and goals. Those dreams and goals were effectively brought out by the internal efforts and efficiencies of what they founded. They are the leaders in technology and have competitors following in their footsteps. I am interested in the future mission statement of Apple Inc. and how their efforts and efficiencies internal can make that statement grow and grow. I wonder when Siri will make her debut on the mission statement. Siri is a good example of Apple Inc. , efforts internally for being the leader, best, reinventing and creating the future in technology. All this is from the credit of their internal company. Apple Inc. (2013). Frequently asked questions. Retrieved from Sanford, G. (2013). Apple-history. Retrieved from

Sunday, September 15, 2019

the best movie I have ever seen

In my personal opinion Avatar is the best movie I have ever seen. I loved everything about the movie, especially the state-of-the-art technology. When I first saw the trailer for Avatar there were no famous actors in it but the thing that did draw me into seeing it was the amazing scenery. Most of the scenery in the movie reminded me of a tropical rain forest except the rain forest literally jumps out at you. After I saw Avatar for the first time with my older brother and dad, I felt like walking outside and hugging a tree. The director James Cameron has been working on this film for more than 15 years and a budget over 300 million. James Cameron’s Avatar is like nothing you have ever seen. The movie unfolds on a digitally created world called Pandora, the craziest world you can’t even imagine. Huge rock formations hang miles above the ground with waterfalls running off them into the air; flowers that look out of this world hide in the ground if you so much as touch them; little floating flowers that swim through the air like little jellyfish off the sacred tree. Since the movie is in 3D most of this beautiful scenery dances before your eyes. On the beautiful plant of Pandora, humans seek to find mineral deposits of Petroleum which is worth more than diamonds. The problem is not finding the Petroleum it’s the native forest people called the Na‘Vi. The Na’Vi live in a tree that’s as big as a skyscraper, the huge tree is sitting on top of the richest Petroleum deposits. The military wants to take action to force the Na’Vi out of their homes but the scientists urge the military to let them try a more diplomatic approach before they take action. This is where the scientist recruits a young paraplegic soldier, Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), to infiltrate them by linking his mind to one of their bodies, genetically bred by the army for the purpose. They put Jake in a device that lets him control one of the Na’Vi bodies so he can move among their people and earn their trust. While all this is happening Jake is safe at the military base sitting in this machine for hours like a vegetable. The reason why they choose Jake for this assignment is because his older brother was on this mission but died. The military didn’t want to get rid of the avatar so they found his twin brother Jake to help. Jake acts as a spy for the humans learning the ways of the Na’Vi but in time falls in love with the Na’Vi princess, he starts to wonder if he’s really on the right side. Most movies that I see I can easily predict what was about to happen or going to happen in the future. But I could never have guessed most of the things that happened. When I saw Avatar it was like I was in this futuristic dream that I couldn’t escape from, not that I wanted to even leave for a second to go to the bathroom. I remember having to go to the bathroom really bad after drinking a large coke; I held it in for most of the movie until I couldn’t any longer. Avatar has been nominated for 9 Oscar awards. Those nominations are best art direction, best cinematography, best directing, best film editing, best original score, best picture, best sound editing, best sound mixing and best visual effects. There were no performance nominations; I’m not surprised at this because the visual effects and graphics are what draw you in to see the movie. In my opinion the acting wasn’t good or bad it was just ok. I think this movie would have done much better than it has if Cameron higher some better known actors such as Leonardo Dicaprio. Above all I would highly recommend going to see this big-budget mainstream film. If you can go to the loudest, biggest, brightest theater you can find and if you go deaf or blind from seeing this movie it will be well worth it.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Ducati & Texas Pacific Group †a ”Wild Ride” Leveraged Buyout

Ducati & Texas Pacific Group – A †Wild Ride† Leveraged Buyout 1. What is the nature of the opportunity? Could the Ducati brand be expanded beyond motorcycles? Why or why not? TPG strategy is to invest in undervalued firms’ that usually have been poorly managed. The investments are made in privately hold firms that are either unlisted from the beginning or that is being delisted from the stock exchange under the LBO process. TPG wants to invest in firms with a â€Å"healthy† basis but that are experience some problems that TPG believes’ that they can fix. Does Ducati live up to this? TGP has the opportunity, if the deal goes through, to purchase a controlling stake in Ducati Meccanico, producer of the best motorcycles in the world. The article describes that Ducati was in a great position of becoming for street bikes as what Harley-Davidson was for cruisers. They have a recognized brand, in spite of limited marketing, associated with high performance, i. e. high quality and high technology. Their bikes crushed the competition and won the World Superbike championships for several years in a row; 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994 and 1995. Their racing performance indicated on technical brilliance which is just what street bike customers’ prefer and therefore they had customers on the wait lists to buy their bikes. The core business possible growth was considered as high when comparing their number of sales to Harley-Davidson sales. In addition, to this the market didn’t foresee any new entrants of street bikes which also work in their favor. The manufacturing fundamentals were strong with low fixed costs due to high levels of outsourcing, 85 %. They offered the customers 15 models of bikes in four families founded on seven various engines. Furthermore, the most expensive part of an engine is the crank cases and cylinders but Ducati can keep these costs low since they have high levels of standardization of their engines and therefore only need two crank cases and three cylinders because. All these factors’ make Ducati look like an attractive brand that should have a prosperous economy. But they were under great financial pressure and faced severe problems in both manufacturing and financing. They had no money and weren’t allowed to borrow any either which caused extreme delays on payments to key suppliers. Therefore their factor was full of unfinished/almost-finished bikes. This affected their sales and extended their customer wait lists but it also affected suppliers and some of them went bankrupt. Ducati were short on working capital and the business was so entangled with Cagiva Group, which Ducati was a part of, that the detail’s on Ducati’s performance was not transparent at all. In the time span from 1993 to 1995 there was only a reliable balance sheet from 1995. TPG managed to assemble the profit and losses for the other years. All this together indicates a really poorly handled management. The forecasted EBIT for 1996 was negative and there was an imminent chance that Ducati went bankrupt since they couldn’t meet there payments. This lack of transparency has made it hard to find financing. TPG can succeed if they manage to build a model that captures their payback goal times three in three to five years. They need to find out what the Ducati should be earning and around these assets construct an international company. TPG can expect to take over a mismanaged company under financial pressure/distress but that have great potential in their strong brand and manufacturing fundamentals. To make this work they need to use a capable management team that can build up both the brand and the company. They need arrange the financing to be able to recover from the distress and to start making some money. But as they state in the article they will have to write at least a thousands of checks on their first day. Ducati brand could and should probably be extended beyond motorcycles even though a first step is to close the deal, take control over and built up the company. There for it might not be a good idea, at least not the first thing to start with. As I already pointed out Ducati is in a great position to imitate, for street bikes, what cruisers are for Harley-Davidson. Harley-Davidson has succeeded in creating a life-style brand with as much as 15% of its sales, with a growth potential, coming from just clothing and mechanical accessories. Ducati could look at the products Harley-Davidson is selling and how their selling them. They could also compare with a car company, like Ferrari, that has a lot of clothing and accessories that they sell. Ducati has a great potential to extend beyond motorcycles with motorcycle clothing and accessories and mechanical accessories. There are probably a lot of motorcycle stores that would want to sell their products and they could also sell them through their own shops and from online shops. It is just the imagination, costs and the combination of a balanced brand expansion that sets the limits. 2. How does this deal differ from a typical deal in the US? In terms of deal flow generation, due diligence process, negotiations and context? Deal flow generation The deal flow is the ability used by equity firms to identify attractive potential investment candidates, i. e. the ability to generate deal flow. This flow is generated from a wide range sources’, from for instance the experience and network built up by working in specific businesses to the network of senior corporate executives and it is this flow that discover opportunities that otherwise would have gone by unnoticed. Now days’ investment banks generally works as agents that sells the opportunity to invest for a fee paid by the seller in a sale process akin to an auction. To help Cagiva through its financial distress the Castiglioni brothers wanted to get a bridge loan from DMG so they contacted Razzano but he wasn’t interested in signing them a loan agreement. Instead he saw the potential of an investment and contacted Halpern since they were looking for a joint investment. Due diligence Due diligence is the valuation process undertaken before the parties sign the deal to identify the future of the potential investment but also to estimate the proper price for the investment. Equity firms’ usually creates a model on several hypotheses that captures the payback of the investment. Due diligence is a vital process in investigating the financial health, technology, the market, and the current management. A lot of different sources are used and in connection to this the investing firm usually signs a confidential agreement. The due diligence process generally starts after the parties have signed a Letter of Intent and paves the path to further negotiations between them. TPG have signed a Letter of Intent with the Castiglioni brothers and are trying to build a model that captures their payback. The problem for them is to separate the intertwined Ducati from Cagiva to find out what the Ducati should be earning to be able construct an international company around these assets. Negotiation If the sale is conducted through an auction by an investment bank intermediate the due diligence process often leads to a final proposal by the bidders’ and this is where the negotiation phase starts with chosen bidders. The negotiations then lead to an agreement between the parties. According to the article the negotiations in the US are done more in a linear path but the negotiations with Cagiva can best be described as a circular path. TPG has been negotiated with Ducati for almost a year. This is probably were the cultural difference is most prominent. Americans chose to discuss every issue separately step by step and after every discussion they want to include this in the contract between the parties. Italians see the whole picture in every discussion so when the Americans have decided something new in the next step of the precoess the Italians want to go back to the previous steps and re discuss them. Furthermore, Italians don’t like do business if they can’t trust the other part in America you don’t have to feel the trust since you include every little detail in the arrangement otherwise you can get sued. Maybe that is why the Castiglioni brothers might not trust TPG if they are not willing to re discuss everything again. Maybe that is why they are trying to shop the deal to others even though they have signed a Letter of Intent with TPG. This would never happen in America. But they have not participated in any meetings and in America it would probably not be hard to sign a contract under an LBO situation. TPG believed that their behavior replicated an act of trying to back out of the deal. Context LBO’s in U. S. eems much more organized than in Italy but at the same time this might make it harder to find interesting targets that have the same growth potential or at least the competition of acquire them might be harder. The development of the high-yield markets in Europe compared to US differ since the markets in Europe was not as developed as the US market. This made it harder for TPG to accomplish the same level of leverage as in the US. Halpern compare the debt-to-equity rat io as 2:1 in Italy compared to 3:1 in the U. S. On the other hand TGP were looking for companies that had grown hastily but still was arranged as small company and in Italy companies aspired to be small because of the fact that they then paid less tax. In order to pay even less tax it wasn’t uncommon, according to Halpern, to find relatively small companies with as much as 50 subsidiaries. This is usually not the case in the U. S. To overcome the aim to stay small and to not go public â€Å"Tremonti Law† allowed companies that went public in 1996 a two years tax relief. 3. What is the value of Ducati at the time of the deal? How much should TPG be willing to pay for 51 percent of the equity? Please assume that the target return is 35 percent (annualized). Observe that you are required to value the firm. For the valuation of Ducati, observe that since this is a leveraged buyout, the debt-to-equity ratio will change drastically, and you need to handle this in the appraisal model you use. Furthermore, you need to think about the inputs you shall use in the valuation. How do you determine return on assets? Which risk free rate of interest should be used? Which risk premium should be used? Etc. To value Ducati we can use the APV-model. APV treats the firm as it is all equity financed. A suitable unleveraged beta for the estimation is a beta in the same industry that is all equity financed and the article states that Harley-Davidson don’t have any long-term debt which means that their beta is unleveraged. I will therefore use their beta of 1. 09. We will use CAPM to discount the cash flows and a rule of thumb to know which rate to use is to match the risk free rate with the country that we are going to invest in. The 10-year government bond is 6. 4% in both the US and Italy so this wouldn’t have caused any trouble here. Since the 10-year bond is 6. 74% in both countries we will not add any extra country risk for the investment. The risk premium that we are going to use is 7. 5%. TABEL 119961997199819992000200120022003 EBIT-5. 4+58. 2+79. 4+96. 3+111+123. 3+146 -Taxes(53. 5%)0-31. 1-42. 5-51. 5-59. 4-6. 6-72. 3-78. 1 +Depreciation+6+7. 3+9. 1+11. 1+13. 5+15 . 7+18. 1+20. 7 +Amortization+24. 7+24. 7+24. 7+28. 5+28. 5+28. 5+28. 5+28. 5 -Capex-12. 9-15. 5-20-24-22-24-24-25 Change in Working Capital (see TABEL 2)-0. 9-1. -32. 9-17. 3-2. 9-11. 2-10. 5-10. 3 Total cash flow 13. 342. 317. 843. 168. 766. 37580. 8 +1229. 8 TABEL â€Å"199519961997199819992000200120022003 Cash9. 411. 322. 689. 837. 279. 987. 2132. 2 6%6%6%6%6%6%6% Transaction cash required 9. 411. 322. 628. 532. 636. 2138. 841. 344 Accounting receivables 8084. 583. 2124. 5139. 9141. 6152161. 4170. 6 Inventory5537. 249. 265. 461. 768. 172. 676. 380. 2 Other3. 32. 22. 73. 21516. 81819. 120. 2 Current assets147. 7135. 2157. 7221. 6249. 2262. 7281. 4298. 1315 Accounting payable4030. 350. 478. 794. 4104. 1110. 9116. 6122. 6 Other11. 39. 410. 13. 27. 88. 79. 49. 910. 5 Current Liabilities 51. 339. 760. 991. 9102. 2112. 8130. 3126. 5133. 1 Working Capital 96. 495. 596. 8129. 7147149. 9161. 1171. 6181. 9 Change in Working Capital 0. 9 1. 3 32. 9 17. 3 2. 9 11. 2 10. 5 10. 3 CAPM: Re= R f+? (Rm-Rf) = 0. 0674 + 1. 09 x 7. 5 = 14. 92% Terminal value by with a multiple: TPG is willing to pay 400-500 billion lire for 100% of Ducati. Enterprise value: 280+140=420-40=380 Earnings multiple: (Enterprise value)/(EBITA for 1995)=380/60. 4=6. 3 (how many times this year’s profit is TPG willing to pay for Ducati) We use the multiple on EBITA for 2003 ? 195. 2 x 6. 3 = 1229. 8 (this have to be discounted to present value we will therefore add it to 2003) Value of Ducati if it was all equity financed: 13/1. 1492 + 42. 3/1. 14922 + 17. 8/1. 14923 + 43. 1/1. 14924 + 68. 7/1. 14925 + 66. 3/1. 14926 + 75/1. 14927 + 1310. 6/1. 14928=602. 3 billion lire But Ducati has liabilities so we need to value that as well. TABEL 319961997199819992000200120022003 Net interest expenses1131. 128. 928. 123. 117. 912. 36. 3 Tax shields(53. 5%) 5. 916. 615. 51512. 49. 66. 6 The tax shields illustrate how much less taxes’ Ducati needs to pay because of the interest expenses and that is what we need to discount in order to value Ducati. 5. 9/1. 1125 + 16. 6/1. 11252 + 15. 5/1. 11253 + 15/1. 11254 + 12. 4/1. 11255 + 9. 6/1. 11256 + 6. 6/1. 11257 = 56. 7 billion lire Value of Ducati: 602. 3+56. 7=659 billion lire Value of equity= 659-280=379 billion 4. Should Halpern consider applying a country risk premium in determining the appropriate discount rate for Ducati? They should not consider applying a country risk premium since the Italian the long government bond of Italy and the US are the same, i.. . 6. 74%. 5. Should Halpern walk away from this deal? Why or why not? Ducati has a lot of problems that I already covered under the first question. But as a summery are under great financial pressure and have faced severe problems in both manufacturing and financing. The reporting of their financial performance is not transparent at all instead it is entan gled with the Cagiva Group. This has made it hard for TPG to hunt financing to the LBO. It is perhaps not a surprise but they have a problem with their working capital and the payment delays leave them with a lot of unfinished bikes. This has lead to a decrease of their sales and enlarged wait lists. Then we have a badly manage management by the Castiglioni brothers who continues to shop around for other deals even though they signed the Letter of Intent. There is also the risk of insolvency of Ducati and bankruptcy of Cagiva which have made TPG worried about the Italian legacy. A bankruptcy of Cagiva after a closed deal could lead to a delay of the deal for up to four years and this would be cost them a lot of money. The deal also has a lot of benefits. Ducati is the world leading manufacturer of motorcycles and if managed well they could probably be profitable very soon. They already believe that this want be a problem with Minoli as CEO. The brand is well-known and easy for investors to understand. This opens up the opportunity for IPO which could in fact obtain higher sales compared to trading. TPG has worked with the deal for one year so they have really had time have to plan for the changes in the Ducati. 6. If TPG pursues the deal and purchases a stake in Ducati, what are the critical steps that TPG needs to take in order to make the deal successful? Please be specific in your answer! First of all they need to get the Castiglioni brothers to stop shopping around for other deals. They have â€Å"signed† the deal through the Letter of Intent and it is the brothers and Cagiva responsibility to follow the contract. Maybe easier said than done be the negotiations must continue in order to get a deal. TPG also need to finish their due diligence model so to that they can identify the future of the potential investment but also to estimate the proper price for the investment. It is hard to close a deal otherwise. The due diligence is also important in investigating the financial health, technology, the market, and the current management. If they sign the deal TPG can expect to take over a mismanaged company under financial distress that has great potential through its strong brand and manufacturing fundamentals. To make this work they need to use a capable management team that can build up both the brand and the company. They also need to start up and arrange the NewCO establishment, the senior debt and write at least thousands of checks on their first day.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Teacher's Pension Scheme Reforms in the UK Essay

Teacher's Pension Scheme Reforms in the UK - Essay Example Issues involved in the scheme The TPS of UK currently assumes a defined benefit scheme of final salary of teachers. This translates into the fact that retirement benefits, as well as the final salary of individual teachers, is based on the length a teacher has been in service. This has seen calculation of final salary of retirement benefits based on either the best of a teacher’s salary within the twelve months before retirement, or calculated as the best average of any three successive years of salary in the last ten years. However, the union chiefs have taken a stand to demand the reformation of the method that is being used in the calculation of the retirement benefits. The chiefs argue that this method of calculating final salary is unfair, for it only benefits high flyers at the expense of low flyers that are in the same professional groups. Conversely, the government is of the opinion that it is the way to go, and, therefore, rooting for the maintenance of the scheme onl y that the final salary be replaced by a revalued earning scheme that is career averaged (Lewicki et al, 56). Another issue is the retirement age where it has been noted that life expectancy of people in UK is on the rise. This means that retiring at 60 results into teachers spending approximately 40% of their lives in retirement as compared to earlier years like 1955 when life expectancy was low (Department of Education, 1). Government ministers demand that the retirement age take into account the increases in the life expectancy, in addition to, reformation of the normal pension age so that it corresponds with the state pension age. However, the union chiefs are opposed to the increase in pension age to 65. In terms of contributions, the issue is the monthly contributions to teachers’ pensions. The government is of the view that the monthly contributions be increased and that the contribution levels be tied to the earning s to protect the low aid teachers. However, union ch iefs are opposed to this, for this will only function to  favor the employers who will have an upper hand in determining the teachers’ pensions. The final issue is the issue regarding returning to work after a teacher retires. The union chiefs root for abatement of teachers’ pension as the government root for a reduction of pension on return with an increase upon retirement. Tactics employed The government minister’s concern is the increasing cost of running the TPS which is purely unfunded. This means that the contributions paid by both employers and employees are the ones used to pay out pension benefits to teachers by the government department (Education Department, 1). Therefore, in a way of raising these funds as well as allowing for saving, the government figured out on how they can have teachers themselves contribute to this plan. This was transferred to the monthly contributions teachers make to the TPS. It was, thus, consequential that teacher’ s contributions be increased by an average of 3.2 percent that is from 6.4 percent to 9.6% by 2014. This may translate to a person earning forty thousand dollars seeing an increase of up to 64% in the monthly contributions (Lewicki et al, 1). However, this is under the disguise of

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Cultural Diversity in the U.S Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Cultural Diversity in the U.S - Essay Example Even though Brazilian and Mexican citizens have similarly been insecure and subject to social injustice by the abusive civil authorities, police enforcers as well as corrupt politicians, Mexicans still afford, by articles 6 and 7 of their constitution, to obtain the proper implementation of the provision that grants each citizen the freedom of speech or of any other forms of self-expression which the Brazilians are mostly anxious to put into practice having been confronted with constant risk of harassment and killings in the process (MIEPA). When reviewed, Brazil’s state has had difficulty in stabilizing institutions to accord with the established policy as in the time when there occurred imbalance due to economic factors associated with inflation and unresolved issues on human rights violation alongside. On the other hand, Fox administration had managed to align economic policies of the government with the desired institutional stability. On a greater scale, however, on reforming certain policies by a government which comprised officials who are inadequately knowledgeable of handling the tasks to maintain a stable Mexican economy, there ought to be alternative means of exhibiting political effectiveness to expedite economic growth and thus affect other sectors in a favorable manner. It may additionally be pointed out that when it comes to providing reinforcement of environmental protection laws, neither Brazilian nor Mexican government agency has been found blameless of inefficient employment of appropriate measures. IBAMA of Brazil, for instance, has relied upon tools and resources that are rather scarce or have limited capacity to aid in analyzing corporate plans in relation to environmental impact. In the same way, while the Mexican government has identified specific means to regulate the worsening case of air pollution in the country,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Discuss the strategic roles of middle managers Assignment - 2

Discuss the strategic roles of middle managers - Assignment Example In their study, Currie and Proctor (2005) concur with the literature that argues that organizational performance is mainly influenced by what takes place in the middle of the organization than what happens at the top. Based on the work of Floyd and Wooldridge (1992, 1994, 1997, 2000), Currie and Proctor (2005) argue that middle managers have a significant role to play in the ‘thinking’ as well as ‘doing’ of strategy in the organization. The middle managers can actually influence the direction of strategy from top to bottom or bottom to top. According to Currie and Proctor (2005), middle managers play four significant roles in strategic decisions in the organization. First, they synthesise information about the operations of the organisation which can be channelled upwards to the executives and can be used in strategy formulation. Second, the middle managers can reshape the strategies formulated by the executives since they are closer to all activities that o ccur in the organization. Thirdly, the middle managers can also exert downward influence especially in areas that are outside the reach of the executives. The fourth point is that middle managers are responsible for implementing deliberate strategy where they translate corporate strategy into action plans. Thus, it can be noted that from the middle management perspective, the middle managers have important strategic roles to make in an organization. Without middle managers, it may be difficult to achieve consistency in the performance of the organization. Raes et al (2011, p. 102) also suggest that â€Å"the interaction of the top management team (TMT) and middle managers (MMs) is central to effective strategy formulation and implementation.† It can be argued that the middle managers are at the center of all activities in the organization. For instance, they directly link with the top executives and the supervisors and other subordinates below them. This makes then significant in strategy

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

AT&T and BellSouth merger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

AT&T and BellSouth merger - Essay Example AT&T and Bellsouth are the two of the world's giant telecommunication company. According to Mark del Bianco, a Communications Attorney who wrote Bumps in the road for AT&T-BellSouth merger, both BellSouth and AT&T own considerable chunks of prime wireless spectrum that is unused and that could quickly and relatively cheaply be used to provide broadband services that would compete with telecom and cable wireline broadband services--in other words, the long-sought "third pipe" to the home or business. The merging of these two companies will give AT&T and BellSouth an edge over their competitors, and in this case, as Atty. Mark del Bianco have written, competitors will no doubt argue that the Federal Communications Commission and the Justice Department should worry about the loss of inter-modal competition that will result if the two companies are permitted to retain this valuable spectrum. While AT&T, being the largest phone company, bought BellSouth, of which, being the 3rd largest phone company, this reduced the phone company into 2 large players and consumers are now alarmed because the constant merging of companies gives them fewer choices, of which case, these companies can immediately shoot up their prices. The proposed merger of AT&T and BellSouth means the death of the Internet and the unmasking of fictional competition between telecom companies, charged two Washington, DC-based consumer groups. The Consumer Federation of America and the Consumer Union urged regulators to reject the $67 billion proposal. (Ed Sutherland, 2006) While the plan gives AT&T to kill the Internet so that they can cableize the Internet connection, Sutherland quoted Gene Kimmelman, Consumer Union vice president for federal and international affairs, which said: "Congress and federal regulators need to look carefully at the lifeless 'competition' their flawed policies have created and reject this merger." Cross selling: Through the merger the companies become enable to sell their products to the customers of the other company. The natural combination of two leading wire line providers and joint owners of Singular speeds progress in integrated wireless/wire line services will improve the services provided to the customers. Financial Benefits: The merger of both the companies will lead to a "financial benefits for stockholders of both companies; an expected net present value of $18 billion in synergies resulting from a more than $2 billion annual run rate in synergies expected in 2008, growing to $3 billion in 2010" (BellSouth Media Room). On the other hand the expected merger will lead to "accrete AT&T