Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Capstone Experience (Employee Impact on the Plan )3 Assignment

Capstone Experience (Employee Impact on the Plan )3 - Assignment Example have a negative effect on the organizations performance as a whole. Bad behavior in an organization setting can emanate from the work groups, to which an employee belongs; bad or strict organizational culture and policies e.g. tight supervision; work attitudes; organizational politics e.g. favoritism in promotions, poor compensation policies, personal deviance e.g. verbal abuse, sexual harassment and endangering co-workers, etc. (Robbins and Judge, 2012). Deviant behavior has a negative effect on employee recruitment and training (Martinko, Gundlach and Douglas, 2002). For instance, deviant behavior can lead to favoritism during recruitment, demotivation of new employees, high employee turnover, resistance to change, unhappy workers, unsafe work environment, low employee production, hostile work environment, low-skilled workers due to lack of commitment from old employees to mentor and train new employees, dissatisfaction, etc. (Tina, n.d.). The overall ramifications of poor employee training like poor or low quality work processes can affect negatively on the overall performance of the organization leading to business failure. Therefore, it is imperative that negative behaviors in organizations are checked to ensure that employees are satisfied because the overall performance of the organization depends on the productivity of individual employees of the organization. Martinko, M., Gundlach, M., and Douglas, S. (2002). â€Å"Toward an integrative theory of counterproductive workplace behavior: A causal reasoning perspective.† International Journal of Selection & Assessment,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Essay Example for Free

Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Essay When I say Omar Rodriguez-Lopez, what comes to mind? To most of you new age listeners, absolutely nothing, just Spanish guy name, but to all of you in touch musical geniuses, only one word clouds your brain. Volta. The mars Volta is an Avant garde progressive rock group, who at times may not make sense with words, but completely and utterly make up for it with insane riffs, original scales and crazy drum segments. Omar is the guitarist and founder of the mars Volta; he is also the main song writer. Omar has incorporated guitar into his world and career ever since he was twelve year old, starting off with a bass. When he turned fifteen, he claimed he â€Å"needed more strings† and switched to a guitar, this decision changed his life forever. Omar was born on September first 1975 in Puerto Rico, although he grew up in El Paso Texas, and spent much time in South California. He attended high school in El Paso at Coronado where he met his future band mates. In my eyes, Omar is a musical genius; I mean have you ever listened to l’via l’viaquez? Boom, starts off straight with pure riff, of course the Spanish lyrics add to the awesomeness of it, but this guy is a genius. His music never gets boring, ten minute long songs, anthems if you will, they’re long, but not too long, never repeat a scale or rhythm, but you can still hum the chorus, perfect? I think so. Once Omar realized he was an artist, he did more than just play in a band and write music, he decided to write films, including music for the soundtracks. His first film was called the sentimental engine slayer, which was played in numerous theatres, he was good at this indeed, but his true calling obviously lies in the world of fret boards and fender amps. Omar is actually a big fan of Ibanez guitars, his first two were custom, then Ibanez decided to make him his own, which is available for purchase. Omar lives a low radar life, and loves it. He is inspiring to many, including me, the ways he incorporates and uses guitar in his life.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Ultimate of Reality: Reversible Causality :: Philosophy Science Physics Papers

The Ultimate of Reality: Reversible Causality Metaphysics is the search for an ultimate principle by which all real things and relations are ordered. It formulates fundamental statements about existence and change. A reversible (absolute) causality is thought to be the ultimate of reality. It is argued that a real (causal) process relating changes of any nature (physical, mental) and any sort (quantitative, qualitative, and substantial) reverses the order of its agency (action, influence, operation, producing): real causation must run in the opposite direction, or change to the opposite effect. A reversible process is a cyclical process, and all cyclical processes are reversible. The world is becoming active because it produces reversible processes; reversible processes organize the world. The world is the totality of interrelated cyclic processes occurring with all kinds of agents (objects, substances, and things). That the world is, is apparent, but what the world is, is neither evident, nor easy to comprehend. The theoretical analysis of the universe has still been the hardest problem for metaphysics the object of which is to determine the nature of things and relations and to discover the ultimate principle ordering all things and changes into one world. The situation is much complicated by the contradictory interpretations of metaphysics, or the first philosophy, dialectics, natural theology, transcendental philosophy, such as "the science of realities laying behind appearances" (Plato); "the science of being as such" (Aristotle); "the study of change; of events or processes" (Whitehead); what "concerns with the whole of reality" (Peirce). In accordance with the ontological standpoint, there are also different meanings of reality: "the totality of phenomena connected according to necessary rules" (Kant); "the perfectly ordered whole" (Hegel); "the sum total of all its being and events now" (James); "the complete totality of things"; "a coherent or integrated system of systems such as the physical, the biological, the chemical and the social" (Bunge); "the all-embracing universe including mind as well as matter"; "the totality of objects and events"; "the system of natural existencies, forces, changes, and events", or "the entire material universe and its phenomena". Generally, the world, the subject matter of metaphysics, is considered either as the maximal self-existent thing (object), or the maximal self-existent situation, or the maximal self-existent process. 2. A State Metaphysics as General Theory of the World According to the chosen priority, either object in general, or change in general, usually two types of metaphysics have been distinguished: Object Ontology and Process Ontology.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Reflective Journal Teaching Essay

At the end of an Early Years session, we expect the children to be seated on the carpet for their parents to collect them. One of the children was finding it very difficult to co-operate, and continued to move around the classroom, walking and running, picking up toys and making noise. I asked the child to sit down but receive no response. I then asked again for her to sit down and began to move towards her in a way that indicated I was likely to sit her down myself. At that point the child giggled and ran away from me quickly, shouting loudly and refusing to come to the carpet area I felt it was very important the child sat down, with no toys in her hand, and I was concerned other children would copy her behaviour. I felt embarrassed to be under the child’s control! The child seemed to be enjoying this and I did not feel confident at all and immediately regretted trying to move towards her. However I had done so because I felt I imperative all the children were ready quickly as we were running a little late for the end of the session, and the class teacher had already gone to open the door to let the parents in! . I believe I should have acted in a more adaptable manner. I could have considered an alternative way to encourage her to sit where she should be. In Dewey’s publication How We Think (1910) Dewey draws the readers attention to routine action and reflective action, where routine action is largely pre set guidelines, not giving consideration to individual circumstances. Reflective action is considering the individual situation and adjusting as necessary (1910). I should have reflected on the situation as it were happening. The child could have been quickly pacified with a small activity- perhaps helping me to tidy the books away – whilst this is not common practice, it would have still achieved her quietly remaining on the carpet until her parent arrived. I needed to adjust the pre-set guidelines to the individual situation. Dewey also believed we should draw on past experiences whenever possible (1910) and I will consider this in the case of this child. A small adaptation of the rules to meet her needs would be in everybody’s best interests. Allowing the child to have an item or engage in a quiet activity at certain times could encourage a more positive response from her while she settles into the school environment. I will continue to keep a reflective journal so I am encouraged to think more independently and learn to become adaptable. I feel reflecting on experiences and learning from what happens – and seeing the outcome when I put ideas into practice – will help me to grow in confidence and become more effective Practitioner. It will prevent me from being becoming unable to develop individual responses to unique situations. It is imperative that we learn to reflect on our actions. If we don’t, we will simply be Turned into low level operatives†¦while remaining blind to large issues of the underlying purposes and results of schooling (Griffiths and Tann, Ripples in Reflection 1991:100).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Stochiometry lab

Immediately turned too navy blue color Same musty looking cloud that floated and did not mix well, brought out the blue lour Immediately changed color to a musty yellow color, not very see through anymore either No Change Caused creamy white substance that did not mix well, not immediate reaction Enhanced light blue color with creamy substance not mixing into the middle Turned to a dark blue color with a hint of brown looking Musty cream cloud that did not mix.Brought out the yellow Made the yellow color a shade darker, not much change Cream specks, mixed better than others, faster reaction as well Darkened the yellow tint and mixed well with original Darker the yellow color, as well as making It seem a hint of orangeMusty cream that mixed a little and faded with a clear looking substance Minimal Change, blended into clear substance Created a dark white color, very hard to see through, thick looking substance No Change Muggy cream that took over the clear color substance, immediate r eaction Must cream color, almost looks like a cloud, very enhanced over the black paper More grey colored and more visible to see the bottom Musty cloud, that did not mix but brought the light green out in the dye No change, blended to clear with small hint of green No ChangeGreenish Cream Substance, mixed decently but still see through Teal color created with the musty cream color still around Same teal tint created as solution before Conclusion: Throughout this experiment, I learned that mixing Ionic compounds can cause a different reaction for each. All compounds included sodium, which made it interesting to see the different reactions occur Just by changing one chemical in the compound. The reactions that took place were all physical reactions, mostly being a color change or the addition of the creamy color look. Dark paper makes all colors ore easily spotted, whether a change took place or not.My personal favorite was adding the Nappy simply because it brought out all of the or iginal colors of the solutions. This helped me understand the changes that were taking place as I went throughout the rest of the experiment. For many of the additions, as time passed they became more defined. Ionic compounds typically carry two charges, one positive and one negative. This is why the white participate is formed in all of the equations. Sodium Sulfate and Sodium Chloride both had little to no change to the substance in al reactions, this lead Error could occur in this experiment, but it was very difficult.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Xenia

The concept of Xenia in Homer’s Odyssey The concept of â€Å"xenia†, described in Homer’s Odyssey as the guest-host relationship played a dominant part in ancient Greece. According to what they believed, the guest-host relationship was based on the idea that courtesy would be reciprocal from host and guest. The different ways that Telemachos and Odysseus are treated throughout their journeys displays the positive and negative types of xenia. The Odyssey begins 20 years after Odysseus has left Ithaca. Ten of those years he spent fighting in the Trojan War. The remaining years he attempts to go back home to Ithaca, but his journey becomes quite difficult since Poseidon becomes Odysseus persecutor, just as Athene is firmly established as his protector. In one of his numerous journeys Odysseus meets the Phaiakians who receive him with warm hospitality without having to ask for his name first. â€Å"This is not the better way, nor is it fitting that the stranger should sit on the ground beside the hearth, in the ashes†¦But come, raise the stranger up and seat him on a silver studded chair and tell your heralds to mix in more wine for us†¦And let the house keeper from her stores give the stranger a supper.† (Book IV P.115 Lines 159-166) From this we can assume that the Phaiakians didn’t know that they were interacting with Odysseus the hero of the Trojan War yet treated him as welcoming as possible like they would do with anyone else. Shortly before the return of Odysseus, Telemachos visits the mainland in search of news of his father. From Menelaos he received generosity. He didn’t turn Telemachos away even though he was visiting the moment they were celebrating the wedding of one of his children. On the other hand he replied by stating that it would be nonsense because they themselves have enjoy the hospitality of others. He orders to have them brought in, bathe and fed. â€Å"Eteoneus, son of Boethoos, you... Free Essays on Xenia Free Essays on Xenia The concept of Xenia in Homer’s Odyssey The concept of â€Å"xenia†, described in Homer’s Odyssey as the guest-host relationship played a dominant part in ancient Greece. According to what they believed, the guest-host relationship was based on the idea that courtesy would be reciprocal from host and guest. The different ways that Telemachos and Odysseus are treated throughout their journeys displays the positive and negative types of xenia. The Odyssey begins 20 years after Odysseus has left Ithaca. Ten of those years he spent fighting in the Trojan War. The remaining years he attempts to go back home to Ithaca, but his journey becomes quite difficult since Poseidon becomes Odysseus persecutor, just as Athene is firmly established as his protector. In one of his numerous journeys Odysseus meets the Phaiakians who receive him with warm hospitality without having to ask for his name first. â€Å"This is not the better way, nor is it fitting that the stranger should sit on the ground beside the hearth, in the ashes†¦But come, raise the stranger up and seat him on a silver studded chair and tell your heralds to mix in more wine for us†¦And let the house keeper from her stores give the stranger a supper.† (Book IV P.115 Lines 159-166) From this we can assume that the Phaiakians didn’t know that they were interacting with Odysseus the hero of the Trojan War yet treated him as welcoming as possible like they would do with anyone else. Shortly before the return of Odysseus, Telemachos visits the mainland in search of news of his father. From Menelaos he received generosity. He didn’t turn Telemachos away even though he was visiting the moment they were celebrating the wedding of one of his children. On the other hand he replied by stating that it would be nonsense because they themselves have enjoy the hospitality of others. He orders to have them brought in, bathe and fed. â€Å"Eteoneus, son of Boethoos, you...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Eminem - Music and Society essays

Eminem - Music and Society essays People are always looking for someone or something to blame when it comes to the corruption of society. That is just human nature though; we need a scapegoat to be at fault for problems the world is facing today in order to make us feel like its not all our own doing. For decades now, there has been a group of individuals who are constantly being accused for negatively influencing society. These people are the musicians we grow up listening to on the radio and watching on TV admiring their impeccable talent and their over the top stage performances. However, with all the focus put on artists and the lyrics to their music, we forget to take a step back and look at why these musicians say the things they do. During interviews, when asked where one gets their inspiration for their lyrics, common answers are, my life or from the world. So it seems that instead of pointing fingers at musicians for corrupting our obviously perfect society without them, we might have to look at it a little differently than that. While this whole time we have been blaming musicians for the corruption, we should really be blaming ourselves, society, for corrupting the musicians. With the constant changing of society through generations it is impossible to pin point a specific person or group that causes the change. We unfailingly look to and blame those who seem to have influential abilities. A very smart man by the name of Karl Marx points out the flaws with this thought processes. In one of his works, Theses on Feuerbach, he looks past the conclusions we initially come up with and into a deeper meaning of it all. Marx notes, Changing of circumstances and upbringing forgets that circumstances are changed by men and that it is essential to educate the educator himself... The coincidence of the changing of circumstances and of human activity or self-changing can be conceived and rationally understood only as revolutionary p...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Oft, Often, and Oftentimes

Oft, Often, and Oftentimes Oft, Often, and Oftentimes Oft, Often, and Oftentimes By Mark Nichol What is the difference between often and oftentimes, and is oft a word? The short answers are that there is no difference, and yes. These three adverbs all stem from the Old English (and Middle English) term oft, meaning â€Å"frequently.† The longer variants developed in the 1300s. Just as often is an extended alteration of oft (likely invented to ease the transition to a word beginning with a vowel), oftentimes derived from ofttimes. That last word is all but unknown in Modern English, and even oft is rare but survives in a saying from William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, â€Å"The evil that men do lives after them. The good is oft interred with their bones.† It is also used in combination with verbs in constructions such as oft-praised and oft-told. Often and oftentimes are interchangeable, but the more archaic-sounding latter word is less economical and has an obsolete taint equivalent to that of the superfluous -st ending in words such as amidst and amongst or the extraneous first syllable of upon. (Interestingly, against differs from its cousins amidst and amongst in that the truncated form again is not a variation but a word with a distinct meaning.) The antonym seldom, meaning â€Å"rarely,† which also comes from Old English, originally had a compound -times form as well (though it was hyphenated), and seldhweanne (â€Å"seldwhen†) and seldsiene (â€Å"seldseen†) were part of the word-hoard, though only the latter word evolved into a later form (seldom-seen). (The variant seld-shown appeared in Shakespeare.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What Is Irony? (With Examples)Do you "orient" yourself, or "orientate" yourself?5 Tips to Understand Hyphenated Words

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Segmentation and Targeting Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Segmentation and Targeting - Research Paper Example According to the book entitled â€Å"Principles of Marketing,† the primary method of evaluating a company’s marketing strategies is by way of SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats (Kotler and Armstrong, 2010). According to the article entitled â€Å"Marketing at McDonalds,† the company’s strengths lies in its brand and the extensive marketing research that the company performs (â€Å"Marketing at McDonalds†, 2011). Additionally, the company’s main opportunity is the continued population growth which provides more customers (â€Å"Marketing at McDonald’s,†2011). The weakness of the company is the brand maturity which means that as the company ages, they still need to make important changes in order to keep up with the competition (â€Å"Marketing at McDonald’s,† 2011). Finally, the threats to McDonalds include the growing health awareness and the connection between fast food and obesity as well as competition from other fast food establishments (â€Å"Marketing at McDonald’s, †2011). Perhaps the genius behind McDonalds lies in the fact that there does not appear to be a specific target market when it comes to advertising and marketing. The book â€Å"Principles of Marketing† defines a target market as a â€Å"set of buyers who share common needs or characteristics that the company decides to serve†(Kotler and Armstrong, 2010). For some companies, there is a very specific target market that they are trying to reach. McDonalds, on the other hand, markets to all different types of races, languages, and lifestyles. The only common need that the consumers all appear to share is that of wanting affordable, tasty, and quick food. Therefore, these are the elements that McDonalds must play up within their marketing mix. According to the article entitled â€Å"Marketing at McDonald’s,† the company utilizes four main compo nents for its marketing strategy: product, price, promotion, and place (â€Å"Marketing at McDonalds,† 2011). The company has an overall objective of setting itself apart from its competitors by effectively meeting the goals for the marketing mix. For product and price, the company must look at what they are providing and determine what needs to be revamped and what is performing at expectations. Additionally, price must come into play as the company determines how much value the customers place on the product that McDonalds sells as part of the restaurants popularity is associated with low prices. Determining the physical positioning of the McDonald’s restaurant takes a lot of research as locations must be scouted in order to find the one with potential consumers and less competition. Finally, promotion involves the media advertisements that the company puts out in order to draw in consumers. The company must position itself in such a way as to make their ads stand ou t and apart from the multitude of other advertisements that people are bombarded with on a daily basis. Currently, McDonalds has been in the midst of changing their product line in order to secure their position as one of the top fast food restaurants in the world. According to the article entitled â€Å"McDonald’s adds oatmeal to the menu,† in the beginning of 2011 McDonalds began adding healthier breakfast items to their menu such as oatmeal, yogurt parfaits, and fruit salads in order to help combat some

Friday, October 18, 2019

Historical Timeline and Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Historical Timeline and - Essay Example 1856: Sacking of Lawrence - The Sacking of Lawrence event occurs on May 21 in Lawrence, Kansas where devastating vandalism was done by pro-slavery supporters in order to put pressure on the territory to vote to support ownership of slaves. 1857: Dred Scott v Sanford - Dred Scott v Sanford is heard in front of the Supreme Court where Dred Scott sues for his freedom based on the premise that he was transported into areas that did not allow slavery so his ownership was therefore invalid. The court decides that 1857: Economic Depression - Economic depression affects the North more than the South, hurting the Democratic Party and setting up the Republican Party for further support and creating a foundation for the election of Abraham Lincoln. 1859: Harpers Ferry Armory - On October16 John Brown leads a raid on the Harpers Ferry Armory in order to arm slaves and create an army sweeping through Virginia and picking up slaves along the way, depleting Virginia of its slaves. The intent was to use the weapons only for defense, but the raid began with bloodshed and was ultimately unsuccessful. As a result of the raid, John Brown was executed by hanging. 1860: Republican Victory - Republican Abraham Lincoln is elected as the 16th President of the United States with only 40% of the vote in a four way contest fueled by the divide between the North and the South. The American Civil War began in 1861 after a series of economic issues, combined with the highly emotional and volatile results of the issue of slavery, resulted in the secession of seven states after the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. There were several specific events that created the political environment that would become ripe for the divide. Economic factors that were different in the North than in the South created resentments that caused the initial rift between the two areas of the country. Both the pro-slavery and

John Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

John - Essay Example There is utilization of symbolism and double meaning, for example, referring the temple as the body, water and spirit, life and death. With reference to the use of vocabulary, there is simple use of English. The book of John contains immense differences that are striking and enhance its differentiation with the rest if the three gospels books. It is worth noting close to 90% of the content of this book are not found in the rest of the gospels. It makes them unique. However, the four books complement each other in delivering the message of the gospel. John provides immense information about the messiah that is unavailable in the synoptic gospels. The first three gospels are the synoptic gospels, in that they all have a common revelation and view unlike the book of John that differs significantly from the rest with close reference to themes, time of recording, content, style of writing and order of events. In the introduction section of the synoptic, the authors express about the birth of Jesus and His baptism. They are very systematic in presentation, in that Jesus is born, baptized, and then commences his ministry after temptation in the desert. They also mention the baptism of John the Baptist and the role he did play in the coming of the messiah. He continues with his ministry, until his last week, death and resurrection. All this information is detailed enough. It differs in the way John writes. The book commences with a prologue and ends with an epilogue. In between there, exists some stories of Jesus that are not related chronologically or geographically. These stories simply emphasize how the messiah engaged in different controversies with other people and the various signs that he worked. Between chapters 13-20, he explains of the in-depth stories of death and resurrection. In comparison with the synoptic that explains how Jesus went to Jerusalem at the end of his life, Johnà ¢â‚¬â„¢s perceive that the ministry of Jesus is mainly

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Media Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Media Relations - Essay Example Now that knowledge of how the Internet is used in the business of public relations is considered an entry-level skill, what will future PR professionals need to develop their careers Charles Fremes, president and CEO of Edelman Public Relations (Canada), offered the following in an article for Strategy Magazine. An advertising pal of mine was complaining over lunch recently about how the list in the paper of key advisers to ONEX, Canadian Airlines, and Air Canada included lots of public relations people, lots of lawyers and lobbyists, "but not one ad guy. " He went on to lament that as little as 5 years ago, the CEO would have lunch with the president of his advertising agency at least once a month, just to gain another perspective on his competition and his business. "Today, " he said, "he's having lunch with the PR guy or gal. " The role of the public relations practitioner in the United Kingdom business has changed dramatically over the past 5 years. This change has been driven by most of the same external drivers that have affected every aspect of our lives. The ones that have had the most impact on the public relations discipline are: the pace and application of new technology, including the "virtual" workplace, the increased speed of information transference, teleconferencing, satellite media tours, and the arrival of new media, including the Internet, specialty channels, and e-commerce; the globalization of business and its impact on competitiveness; the restructuring of corporations and governments and its impact on employees, services, and consumers; and the rediscovery of the importance of customer service. Report into the current state of the U.K. job market for graduates In the early 1990s getting a job any time is difficult. When time was bad and companies were downsizing, or even worse, going out of business, finding a job in PR was a Promethean task. Well, 8 years later the task is not quite Promethean; let's just call it formidable. Much has changed in public relations in this short time span. Corporations that spent huge sums on advertising have redirected their spending and turned to public relations as a potent promotion and marketing medium. Many advertising agency groups have purchased public relations counsel firms, and the largest firms have gone global in a big way. In 1993, I wrote that Edelman Public Relations Worldwide, then the sixth-largest PR firm in the world, employed 500 people. In 2001, Edelman is still the sixth-largest firm worldwide and employs more than 1,000 in the United States alone and 2,000 worldwide. Another major development is the relationship of high tech and PR. Most of the top firms have substantial high-tech divisions, and today, there are many firms whose practice is exclusively in this area. An article in the booklet of the Council of Public Relations Firms, A Student's Guide to Public Relations Education, notes that the new century marks the golden age of public relations. Professionals are employed at an estimated 6,000 PR counseling firms, thousands

Substance abuse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Substance abuse - Essay Example Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative can be used to resolve the dilemma developed by substance abuse. Deontology describes an act done as morally right if the person performing the act had genuine intentions. The theory has a downside that may justify wrong doing done by someone who is ignorant of the possible outcome and for this reason we integrate the theory of the categorical imperative. Categorical imperative states that when choosing, which act to pursue one, should consider if the principle behind the act can be applied at universal levels (Paton, 1947). The people involved in substance abuse, like marijuana for recreational purposes have the ability to alter their moods, relax and attain certain levels of euphoria. These people are doing substance abuse with genuine intention hence they pass the first theory of deontology. The principle behind the act is illegal as they obtained the drugs illegally. Using comparative imperative one would analyze the possible results if the principle got used in a universal basis. What would happen if people in the world practiced illegal attaining of items? Since obtaining and abusing substance is wrong, one would conclude that this acts in not moral. This dilemma can also be solved using the utilitarian rule. According to this rule, an act is said to be moral if it maximizes utility and minimizes pain of others and oneself. In the person acts to abuse the substance they will be breaking the law acting against the society set rules. This means that this action results to suffering for some people. This act would be described as egoism where one is only considering self-interests and ignoring others (Hills, 2012). Someone practicing utilitarian rule would prefer not to abuse substance and look for other alternative that will produce results with a net gain (Ferrell & Fraedrich, 2011). Marijuana

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Media Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Media Relations - Essay Example Now that knowledge of how the Internet is used in the business of public relations is considered an entry-level skill, what will future PR professionals need to develop their careers Charles Fremes, president and CEO of Edelman Public Relations (Canada), offered the following in an article for Strategy Magazine. An advertising pal of mine was complaining over lunch recently about how the list in the paper of key advisers to ONEX, Canadian Airlines, and Air Canada included lots of public relations people, lots of lawyers and lobbyists, "but not one ad guy. " He went on to lament that as little as 5 years ago, the CEO would have lunch with the president of his advertising agency at least once a month, just to gain another perspective on his competition and his business. "Today, " he said, "he's having lunch with the PR guy or gal. " The role of the public relations practitioner in the United Kingdom business has changed dramatically over the past 5 years. This change has been driven by most of the same external drivers that have affected every aspect of our lives. The ones that have had the most impact on the public relations discipline are: the pace and application of new technology, including the "virtual" workplace, the increased speed of information transference, teleconferencing, satellite media tours, and the arrival of new media, including the Internet, specialty channels, and e-commerce; the globalization of business and its impact on competitiveness; the restructuring of corporations and governments and its impact on employees, services, and consumers; and the rediscovery of the importance of customer service. Report into the current state of the U.K. job market for graduates In the early 1990s getting a job any time is difficult. When time was bad and companies were downsizing, or even worse, going out of business, finding a job in PR was a Promethean task. Well, 8 years later the task is not quite Promethean; let's just call it formidable. Much has changed in public relations in this short time span. Corporations that spent huge sums on advertising have redirected their spending and turned to public relations as a potent promotion and marketing medium. Many advertising agency groups have purchased public relations counsel firms, and the largest firms have gone global in a big way. In 1993, I wrote that Edelman Public Relations Worldwide, then the sixth-largest PR firm in the world, employed 500 people. In 2001, Edelman is still the sixth-largest firm worldwide and employs more than 1,000 in the United States alone and 2,000 worldwide. Another major development is the relationship of high tech and PR. Most of the top firms have substantial high-tech divisions, and today, there are many firms whose practice is exclusively in this area. An article in the booklet of the Council of Public Relations Firms, A Student's Guide to Public Relations Education, notes that the new century marks the golden age of public relations. Professionals are employed at an estimated 6,000 PR counseling firms, thousands

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Edcaution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Edcaution - Assignment Example Secondly, designers of norm-referenced tests should pick the content taught in the many schools, in the country. This is especially in the case of nationwide or district-wide examinations. Essay questions, true or false tests, matching questions, definition and open-ended questions are examples of criterion-referenced tests. They measure a student’s level of competence based on a preset standard without comparing him or her with peers. The objectives of the course and the curriculum inform the setting of criterion-referenced tests. These tests are most helpful when they measure students’ ability in given areas. There exists a need to ensure high validity and reliability of these tests. Firstly, designers of these tests should ensure that they pick the content matching the objectives of the course and the standards of the curriculum (Popham, 2008). A big cluster around the high end of the grading system shows many students met the standards. Secondly, the designers of these tests should suspend their biases. Bias-free tests are fair to all students regardless of gender, ethnic background, race and socio-economic status. High-stakes tests are another group of tests besides norm-referenced tests. The outcomes of these tests serve to make important decisions in people’s lives. A licensure examination is an example of a high-stakes test. This is because the results of the examination help decide the possibility of an examinee getting a permit to practice as a professional nurse (Kubiszyn & Borich, 2007). Because the results of high-stakes tests determine whether individuals get permits to do something or not, they need high reliability and validity. Speed tests measure the rate at which individuals can perform a given task. The test measures the speed of performance only and not the knowledge of individuals. There is a possibility of misusing

Monday, October 14, 2019

Vampires in Society and Mass Media Essay Example for Free

Vampires in Society and Mass Media Essay Vampires. The living dead. Immortals. They go by many names, but whatever they are called, they are known by people in every culture. They haunt our nightmares and color our dreams, turning the night into a sinister and mysterious place. Whether we see them in movies or books, or hear their stories around the campfire, vampires are all around us, rooted deep in our minds. But what are vampires, exactly, and where did they come from? The unknown has always been a cause for fear in people. The dark, death- we don’t know what they hold, and our imaginations run wild trying to prepare our minds. â€Å" it is not surprising that primitive societies the world over†¦ have created whole pantheons of gods and demons, all supposedly out to gorge themselves on human flesh and blood.† (Frost, 1989) Legends stem back to the beginnings of religious lore, of a female vampire called Empusae by the Greeks, Lamia by the Romans, Lilitu by the Babylonians, and Lilith by the Hebrews, a succubus bent on the ensnarement of young men. So how do people think of vampires today? Until recently, the stereotypical vampire was known to be pale-skinned and soulless; a killer who gorged on blood to survive, who had no reflection and could not bear the presence of any holy object or garlic, could not cross running water, and could be killed with a stake through the heart or from exposure to sunlight, which burned. Today, many different variations of the legend exist, from psychic vampirism, which is a mysterious process whereby certain persons are able to steal other peoples vitality without even touching them (Frost, 1989), to vampirism of a scientific nature, existing in a normal human with a soul. While on the subject of vampires, one must also talk about their slayers. The name Van Helsing always comes up when on the topic of vampire slayers, whether its Abraham Van Helsing form the original Dracula, or Gabriel Van Helsing from the movie, Van Helsing. One must also mention Buffy Summers, from the popular 90s television show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Each of these characters hunts and kills evil vampires that prey on and murder innocent victims. They are the heroes. In some stories, however, the vampire slayers are the villains, attempting to murder vampires seen as good or innocent, a newer concept. The most well-known vampire story is Bram Stokers 1897 book, Dracula. Set in Victorian London, it tells the story of Jonathan Harker and his fiancà ©e Mina Murray. Harker is sent to Transylvania to help the mysterious Count Dracula with a real estate transaction, but he soon realizes that he is being held prisoner, kept weak by Dracula’s three wives. Dracula then travels to London and begins feeding on Lucy Westenra, a friend of Minas. Her fiancà ©e, Arthur Holmwood, later known as Lord Godalming, and other suitors, Quincy P. Morris and Dr. John Seward, enlist the help of Dr. Abraham Van Helsing, â€Å"renowned as a specialist in rare diseases of the blood† (Joshi, 2011), when they see her wasting away, and attempt to give her multiple blood transfusions, but she eventually dies and rises again as a vampire to feed on the young children of London. Harker manages to escape from the ‘sisters’ and is met by Mina in Budapest, where they are married before ret urning to England. Dracula begins visiting Mina, and the men quickly realize what is happening to her. With her help, they lure Dracula back to his Transylvanian castle, â€Å"where he is dispatched (with knives) by Harker and Morris† (Joshi, 2011). Originally entitled The Un-Dead, Dracula is written in the form of notes in shorthand and transcribed on typewriters, gramophone recordings, telegraph messages, and journal entries of the various characters. The Count himself is the only major character who does not narrate the story at some point. While Dracula is certainly now well-known by most everyone, it did not become popular until it was adapted for film and the stage. At the Lyceum Theater in London in 1987, Bram Stoker presented a stage reading of an abbreviated version of Dracula. This helped him secure the performance rights for his novel. The first Dracula movie was made in 1922 and titled Nosferatu in an attempt to avoid paying royalties to the Stoker estate. 1931 introduced perhaps the most famous Dracula yet known in Bela Lugosi, a Hungarian actor whose voice and physical appearance formed the character of Dracula for many years to come. Many other adaptations have since been created, the most recent being Bram Stoker’s Dracula in 1992. The closest match to Bram Stoker’s original book is the 1972 film version of Count Dracula. â€Å"Anne Rice has long been credited with reviving the vampire as a cultural icon, introducing it to a huge mainstream audience and influencing most interpretations of the archetype that followed hers.† (Joshi, 2011) Although she originally had trouble reading as a child, Rice wrote Interview with a Vampire in 1973, based on a short story she had written in 1968. Interview with a Vampire is about a man who is turned into a vampire and does not want to kill. Her second Vampire Chronicles novel, The Vampire Lestat, is tells the story of Lestat, who originally created Louis from Interview with a Vampire, and he dissents with Louis’s opinions of him and gives much more information of the vampire world than was given in Interview with a Vampire. She continues Lestat’s story with The Queen of the Damned, The Tale of the Body Thief, Memnoch the Devil, and The Vampire Armand. Then, she crossed her vampire Chronicles novels with her Mayfair witches series in Merrick, Blackwood Farm, and Blood Canticle. To date, Interview with a Vampire and The Queen of the Damned have been adapted into movies, and a play named Lestat, based on Rice’s Vampire Chronicles, has been adapted for the theater. In 2005, Stephenie Meyer began the first novel in her Twilight saga. The series consists of Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. It follows Bella Swan, an awkward teenager who meets a mysterious boy in school and comes to find he is a vampire. As the series continues, several attempts are made on Bella’s life because she knows about vampires, and eventually she marries Edward and is turned into a vampire after giving birth to a human-vampire hybrid. The books have so far been made into four movies, and a fifth is scheduled to come out November 16. Other vampire stories are created simply as movies. The Underworld series is about a race of vampires that is at war with a race of werewolves, called Lycans. It includes the movies Underworld, Underworld: Evolution, Underworld: Rise of the Lycans, and Underworld: Awakening. Recently movies like Daybreakers have been made, where vampires have basically overrun the humans. In the movie Blade, Blade is a human-vampire hybrid who protects the humans from vampires. Vampires have even been introduced into children’s shows. The Disney channel show My Babysitter’s a Vampire has a cast full of teenage vampires protecting their small town of Whitechapel from other strange monsters. Even in Sesame Street, The Count teaches small children how to count and the alphabet. The 2000 movie The Little Vampire is about a little boy who tries to save his new vampire friends and their family from an evil vampire slayer. Vampires have been a big part of society and entertainment. From books to movies to TV, everyone has heard of, read about, and watched vampires throughout their lives, and it is unlikely that they will go out of style anytime soon. With the Edward Cullens, Lestats, and Draculas of the world out there, it looks like we will always have vampires around, and we’re okay with that. Vampires help us consider life after death, mortality, and even our relationships with other people. They show us that no matter how bad things get, you can always change for the better. Works Cited Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Columbia, 1992. Film. Florescu, Radu and McNally, Raymond T. The Complete Dracula. Acton: Copley, 1992. Print. Frost, Brian J. The Monster with a Thousand Faces: Guises of the Vampire in Myth and Literature. Bowling Green: BGSU Popular Press, 1989. Print. Interview with a Vampire. Dir. Neil Jordan. Warner Bros., 1994. Film. Jenkins, Mark Collins. Vampire Forensics: Uncovering the Origins of an Enduring Legend. Washington: National Geographic, 2010. Print. Joshi, S. T. Encyclopedia of the Vampire: The Living Dead in Myth, Legend, and Popular Culture. Santa Barbara: Greenwood, 2011. Print. Kane, Tim. The Changing Vampire of Film and Television: A Critical Study of the Growth of a Genre. Jefferson: McFarland, 2003. Print. McClelland, Bruce A. Slayers and their Vampires: A Cultural History of Killing the Dead. Ann Arbor: UM Press, 2003. Print. McNally, Raymond T. A Clutch of Vampires: These Being Among the Best from History and Lit erature. 25 vols. Greenwich: NY Graphic, 1974. Print. Schott, Gareth and Moffat, Kirstine, eds. Fanpires: Audience Consumption of the Modern Vampire. Washington: New Academic, 2011. Print. The Queen of the Damned. Dir. Michael Rymer. Roadshow, 2002. Film. Underworld. Dir. Len Wiseman. Warner Bros., 2003. Film. Wright, Dudley. The Book of Vampires. New York: Causeway, 1973. Print.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Mirror Mirror On The Wall Theology Religion Essay

Mirror Mirror On The Wall Theology Religion Essay This lovely phrase reminds us the enchanting story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs where the wicked queen peeps into a magical mirror and asks about her undoubted fairness in the whole world. As an innocent child I was deeply inspired by the fairytale as the world of fantasy attracted me. I would often pressurize my mother to buy me a magical mirror from the market thinking it to be easily available. My mother would laugh at my innocence and explained me that such magical mirror exists only in stories and fairytales and not in the real world. As time flew by, the thoughts of magical mirrors began to fade away from my mind and with age and maturity, I began to experience highs and lows of life. Sometimes there were colors of happiness and joy and sometimes sorrow and misery. When any problem became aggravated, I began to consult astrologers who blamed the adverse situation on the bad influence of the planetary positions. They would advise me to wear rings and amulets of precious and semi- precious stones to ward of the evil effects of the sun, the moon and other planets in our solar system. How do these rings and amulets work? Are they magical just like the magical mirrors in fairytales. Again my mind raced back to my childhood and once again a plethora of questions lay staring at me. All these little anecdotes have two things in common and that is magic and miracle. Is there anything called magical mirror where you can peep into your past, present or future? Do the planetary positions of our solar system affect human form positively and adversely? If my answer is positive, you may call me crazy and brand me superstitious as modern science do not believe in the supernatural powers of the universe. But you have to give me one chance to prove myself right and for this I have to narrate the life story of a strange man who was a distinguished alchemist, physician, astrologer, magician, philosopher and so on. His life story is simple but his unique ways of practicing occult science, magic, alchemy, medicine, astrology, cosmology and pneumatology was simply incredible and each trait needs to be highlighted to give this great man justice and recognition. So let us fly on a magical carpet into the world of Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus, nicknamed Paracelsus which simply means in par with Celsus, a Roman Encyclopedist who wrote a lot on medicines. It was Paracelsus who advocated that magical mirrors can be created, planetary positions can be a cause of worries and happiness. But above all this, as a devout Christian he firmly believed in the supremacy of the almighty and once quoted, Everything that happens takes place through the will of the supreme and faith into the things of the earth should be based upon the holy teachings of Christ. BIRTH AND FAMILY BACKGROUND: William Bombast of Hohenheim was a distinguished physician who was successfully practicing medicine in a hospital near Maria-Einsiedeln, Switzerland. It was here that he fell in love with the matron of the hospital (name is not known) and the two exchanged wedding vows in the year 1492. Their marriage soon blossomed and the couple was blessed with a bonny baby boy on the 17th of December 1493 in the vicinity of Maria-Einsiedeln, Switzerland. Williams happiness knew no bounds and he named his precious bundle of joy as, Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus. But their joy was shortlived as tragedy struck the Bombast family when young Theophrastus lost the warmth and affection of his mother who expired after a brief illness. William was devastated by the loss of his beloved wife but soon gathered courage and began to pull the strings of his life. His sole objective was to nurture his young son and to fill his life with joy and happiness. Young Theophrastus was the apple of Williams eye and both lives not only began to revolve each other but also completing each other. STRONG FOUNDATION KEY TO SUCCESS: Not much is known about the primary and secondary education received by Paracelsus so we have to move to his adolescence age. As Paracelsus entered into his youth, he received valuable coaching in science from his father who tutored him with the fundamentals of alchemy, surgery and medicine. His father was not only his teacher but also his mentor, guide and best friend. This golden relationship between the father and the son laid a strong foundation which later on became the key to Paracelsus success in the field of medicine. Paracelsus too did not disappoint his father and picked up the nuances of science with much ease. William was quick to discover that his son had the required potential to become a great physician and decided to impart him formal education. He was soon enrolled in a convent of St. Andrew located in the beautiful valley of Savon, Switzerland and under the supervision of learned bishops, Eberhardt Baumgartner, Mathias Schedydt of Rottgach and Mathias Schacht of Freisingen acquired valuable knowledge on medicine and surgery. At the young age of sixteen, Paracelsus was enrolled at the University of Basel, where he received instruction from the famous Johann Trithemius of Spanheim who was a master in alchemy, magic and astrology. It was under Trithemius shadow that Paracelsus developed inclination towards occult science. Trithemius was impressed by Paracelsus love for occult science and directed him to gain entry into the laboratory of Sigismund Fugger of Tyrol, who was not only a celebrated alchemist but also possessed valuable secrets of occult science. Exactly how long Paracelsus studied alchemy, astrology and occult science under Sigismund Fugger is not known and so we move on to the next chapter of Paracelsus life. LIFE OF A VAGABOND: After his formal education under the supervision of learned bishops, Paracelsus decided to go on a global spree. He travelled widely to destinations like Germany, France, Netherland, Denmark, Sweden and Russia. When he reached Italy, he received an opportunity to serve the Imperial Army and experienced many warlike situations. This period of globe- trotting can be called as the turning point of his life as he came across many physicians, surgeons and alchemist who shared similar passion for occult science like Paracelsus. During his stay in Italy, he entered into physical relationships with several gypsies, fortune-tellers, midwives, barbers and shepherds and although it may sound vulgar but he did so to gain knowledge from the act. He was always found in the company of vagabonds on the highways and at public lodges and inns due to which he earned a bad name and was criticized by his narrow minded foes. Paracelsus was often criticized for his passion for wandering but his critics did not realize that travelling was the fundamental tool to acquire knowledge which according to him cannot be acquired in the comforts of a laboratory or a library. He strongly believed that knowledge cannot be confined within the boundaries of our own country, it does not follow us but waits for us to go in search of it. According to Paracelsus, Those who remain at home may live more comfortably, and grow richer than those who wander about; but I neither desire to live comfortably, nor do I wish to become rich. He who wants to study the books of nature must wander with his feet over its leaves. Paracelsus recommended that every part of the world signifies a single page in the book of nature and all the pages taken collectively formed the book that reveals its richness and abundance. PARACELSUS- A MIRACLE MAN: Paracelsus travelled extensively for a period of ten years, sometimes practicing his talents as a physician, or magician or an alchemist. At the age of thirty-two, he returned to Germany where acquired fame as a man with miraculous cures. He had surpassed all his colleagues with his superior medical skills and was termed as Dr. Miracle by the masses. Many patients that had been termed as incurable by other renowned doctors turned to Paracelsus for treatment and had been cured. Among the many patients were eighteen princes who were pronounced to be incurable by leading doctors. But what made Paracelsus different from others? Why were his medical skills considered to be superior than his colleagues? Did he possess some supernatural powers to cure the incurables or did he adopt a different strategy for treatment? To answer these questions, we have to analyze his skills of that of a physician, magician, astrologer and alchemist in detail. But first, we have to understand in depth Paracelsuss views and explanations on the cosmic structure as a whole, mankind and the doctrine of holy spirits. It is rather difficult but not impossible to get a perfect understanding for our readers, unless they use their own intuition, and get into the mentality and skin of Paracelsus. STUDY OF THE COSMIC STRUCTURE- COSMOLOGY: According to Paracelsus, the entire cosmos is created by God and we are his children. His view is inspired from the prayer in bible, In the name of our father and our sons and the holy spirit, Amen. God is the Constructor of the world, Carpenter of the universe and the Sculptor of all forms. God created man from four core elements, namely Air, Water, Fire and Earth. To bring him to life, he added spirit into them. Thus spirit is living and life is spirit which unite together to produce all things. Nature is that part of the universe which is created by God to essentially provide us a cushion to breathe easy. Thus all living organism in nature have to sympathize and live in harmony with each other. Paracelsus termed all the living products of the constellation as Macrocosm and man as Microcosm, both with one breath, one time, one fruit and above all one authority. Man is dependent on nature for its very survival and nature is dependent on the state of mankind. According to Paracelsus, that part of science which can describe the principles governing the Macrocosm and Microcosm and the relationship between them is termed as Astronomia. Paracelsus termed a part of astronomia as magic, wherein he states that magic is a science used to discover the ideal relation or connection of the soul to our physical body just like the way the sun shines through a glass. Further he explained that each organ of our body is in harmony with other parts. For example, there exist harmony between the heart and the lungs and between the stomach and the brain. He also established a connection between the stars and the plants and between plants and human body. Just like a magnetized bar of iron may produce magnetic effects on the other part of iron, leaving copper and brass unaffected, same way some medicinal plants may act as remedies to cure certain diseases. VIEWS ON MANKIND AND THE HOLY SPIRIT: Paracelsus strongly believed that the constitution of man is based on seven principles which are stated below. The Physical or the elementary body, i.e. Stool Sharira. The Mumia or the vital force, i.e. Jiva. The Astral body or the Sidereal Body, i.e. Linga Sharira. The Animal Soul or the Kama Rupa. The Human or Rational Soul, i.e. Karana Sharira Manas. The Spiritual Soul, i.e. Buddhi. The Spirit or the Divine Atma. He has given a very comprehensive explanation regarding all the seven principles constituting a man in his work called, Philosophia Sagax. But the principle which needs to be mentioned here and which every human being is afraid is the death of a man. According to him, death is nothing but the end of the daily labour of man. Being a devout Christian, he strongly believed that every human being possesses the elements of earth and earth is his mother. When he dies, he re-enters in to her and loses its flesh. And perhaps referring to Christ he says, Only the real man will be re-born at the day of the resurrection into another spiritual and glorified body. According to Paracelsus, after death, the physical body decomposes into dust but a vital part of the principle which comprises the highest essence of life passes into a higher state called, Olympus Novvs, where they unite with their origin, the Mysterium Magnum, the essence of life or the Parabrahman (mentioned in the Vedas of Hindu Scriptures) Paracelsus cautions that this fate is met by people who die a natural death but not for those who die prematurely either due to accidents or suicides. In such cases, the invisible residues of the human body remains in the state till death would have arrived naturally and according to the laws of nature. They remain in the earths sphere and are full of earthy passions and desires. Paracelsus calls them Caballi Lemures and they often lurk in places where they have spent or resided during their lifetime. People often believe that such spirits cannot be destroyed by sprinkling holy water or by burning incense and even arranging religious ceremonies for the purpose. According to Paracelsus all these have no effect on the spirit and the best way to keep evil spirits away is positive will power. If we stand by good and love the source of good we will never succumb to the evil powers of the force. If however evil spirits causes severe depression to you then Paracelsus recommends wearing of red corals to ward off melancholy as they are stimulated by Sun. A healthy mind is like a temple which cannot be invaded without the will of its priest. Minds that are pure and illuminated by the force of truth cannot be possessed by evil spirits. PARACELSUS- A MEDICAL GENIUS: According to Paracelsus every vital organ in the human body is in sympathy with certain principles in the universe. The heart is influenced by elements of the sun, the brain with the moon, the gall bladder with planet Mars, the lungs with Mercury, the liver with Jupiter, the kidneys with Venus and the spleen with Saturn. Accordingly, there are various plants and herbs which have a corresponding sympathy with these astral influences. Each herb or plant has to be plucked when the planet to which it is related rules the hour and its substance or the essence should be absorbed when it is fresh. Paracelsus has categorized each planet in conjunction with the plants as follows: Sun- Rosmarinus officinalis, Lavunda officinalis and Melinda Officinalis for the treatment of acute inflammation, heart disease and rheumatism. Moon- Thymus majorna, Ruta graveolens and Helleborus niger for the treating patients suffering from insanity, hysteria, and nervous diseases. Mercury- Pulmonia officinalis, Althaea officinalis and Plantago laureola for the treatment of Pneumonia and inflammations of Mucous Membrane. Venus- Onosis spinosa, Verbascum Thapsus and Apium petroselinum for curing diseases of kidney and bladder. Mars- Carduus Benedictus, Urticaria diocia, Erythraea Centaurium for fevers, eruptive fevers and diseases of violent nature. Jupiter- Ruta graveolens, Hepatica Nobilis, Cannabis Sativa for curing jaundice and other diseases related to liver. Saturn- Chrysosplenium alternifolium, Scrophula Nodosa for the treatment of piles, hypochondria, etc.) Paracelsus criticized other physicians as he discovered that they did not pay any attention to the planetary positions and killed more patients than they cure as the medicine that may be effective at one time may be harmful at another depending on the prevailing astral influence. Thus Paracelsus proved that planetary positions do not directly effect upon the physical body of men but on their essence which constitutes the elements of the universe. In simple words he has repeatedly emphasized that the vital parts of our body are representatives of invisible energy that are circulating in the whole system. PARACELSUS- AN EXTRAORDINARY ALCHEMIST Alchemy is an art that cannot be comprehended without spiritual knowledge and astrology cannot be understood without proper knowledge of mathematics and logic. Just as chemistry is the study of physical matters, alchemy deals with astral ideologies. Astronomy is the study of planets and stars and astrology deals with influences of these stars on man. Paracelsus defined alchemy as an art in which the fire of nature i.e. the astral light is the main artist. According to him, a human being is composed of three elements namely Sulphur, Mercury and Salt. A person is healthy if these three elements maintain their proportion with respect to their quantity. But the moment any of these elements deviates from its correct proportion, disease strikes the human body. These three elements are not visible to the naked eye but are acted upon the fourth principle which is called Life. Paracelsus was critical of physicians who prescribed endless list of medicines without discovering the cause of the disease. Paracelsus has mentioned his valuable secret of alchemy in his work called, Tinctura Physica which is a bible of alchemy. He confirmed that composition of pure metals produces a scintillating effect around us. Paracelsus was of the view that if we create a composition of seven metals in a desired proportion and at the proper time, then we will acquire a metal which will contain the qualities of all the seven metals. Paracelsus termed the metallic mixture as, electrum. The preparation of electrum magicum is quite daunting task as each metal has to be in its purest form. The metals have to be prepared in its right proportion and during the conjunction of various planets at that time. Many astonishing devices can be created from electrum such as amulets, magical finger rings, arm rings, bells and other things containing magical powers. According to Paracelsuss calculations, magical mirrors can be created from the electrum magicum where you can peep into events of the past and the present, see your hidden enemies and long lost friends. PARACELSUS VIEWS ON ASTROLOGY: Paracelsus was of the view that astrology is closely connected with magic, medicine and alchemy. He believed that each body attracts planetary influences when in harmony and repels the others. For this man has to understand his own constitution to comprehend the influence of the astral influence which rules the sky. Paracelsus did not approve of anyone calling him a professional astrologer who simply makes horoscopes. He understood the higher trait of astrology by which the relation of Macrocosm and Microcosm are understood. According to him, No one needs to care for the course of Saturn: it neither shortens nor lengthens the life of anybody. Often we grumble or are envious of other peoples success and riches and blame it on our stars. But Paracelsus refutes such allegations and strongly emphasizes that stars are free for themselves and force nothing into us. It is actually the spirit of oneself that makes a man more appropriate than the others. At the same time he strongly condemned those ceremonies that attract spirits by saying that, Whatever comes from the spirits is sorcery. According to Paracelsus, our body is created from elements, our soul from the star and the spirit comes from the almighty. Paracelsus refers stars as not merely the physical bodies that exist in our solar system but the principles in the cosmos. The sun and the moon attract something from our body and our body too attracts something from them as each body is in harmony with the astral influences of the heavenly bodies. This is evident from the use of talisman and amulets which produces an astral form on the bearer. Man should obey the will of God as wisdom can be acquired from God. If this inner consciousness is awakened then the mysteries of nature will be easily comprehended by spiritual knowledge. MAGIC VERSUS SORCERY: Paracelsus has clearly made remarkable demarcation between magic and sorcery. Magic causes illumination, light and is white in form whereas sorcery is concerned with darkness and black in form. Magic is the study of supernatural powers of the nature and an individual must possess complete knowledge of natural science to acquire the skills of magic. Strong imaginary power and enormous faith are the two vital ingredients to construct the temple of magic. By imaginary power, Paracelsus refers to creative power of a man. According to Paracelsus, women possess stronger imaginary power because of their compassionate nature and stronger desires as compared to men. This is evident from the fact that if a woman loves anyone, she will love with all her devotion but if she hates somebody, God save him. Strong faith has fantastic powers and we human beings do not realize it. An evil spirit, like a spear may try hard to pierce our body and cause some disease but if our faith in the supreme power of God is strong, it will act as an armour and protect us. Diseases can be effectively cured if men understood the power of faith and not superstition. The secret behind Paracelsus magical cure was his enormous faith in the power of the God who acts through him. Paracelsus also cautions that those physicians who cure diseases only with a belief that he will be able to overcome it, beliefs in superstition, but physicians who realize that he possess the power to perform and is aware of his power will perform what is called, a miracle. VARIOUS REMEDIES BASED ON PHILOSOPHYICAL AND THEOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS: According to Paracelsus, strong reasoning power is a prerequisite to be a proficient philosopher and a true theosophist must possess the knowledge to perceive spiritual powers. To obtain spiritual power, we first have to realize what is good and what is evil and without knowing evil we will never be able to realize what is good. The moment we understand what is good, it becomes a reality and we attain the highest degree of happiness as God resides within the spirit of man. Often it happens that we are thinking of a person from a long time and all of a sudden that person calls us. The very first expression is, Oh! I was just thinking to call you and see you called. What a coincidence? But according to Paracelsus it is the magical power of will of the person which sends signals to the other person to contact him or her. Paracelsus also believed that it is possible for us to communicate with the spirit of the deceased by keeping his or her picture under our head with a question you wish to ask. The answer will be interpreted in our powerful dreams. But this experiment should only be initiated if you have undeterred and enormous faith in the spirit, because it is our faith which will strike communication with the spirit. According to Paracelsus, Man belongs to two spirits- Animal Spirit or Human Spirit. A person who belongs to animal spirit will behave and live like animal during his life and will be animal after he dies, but a man with human spirit will always remain human. Another important aspect of Paracelsus theological work was his study of medicinal herbs which serves as an Elixir of Life. In the mythological story of Ramayana, Lord Rams brother Laxman, who was seriously wounded in the battle with Ravan, King of Lanka, was saved by a medicinal herb called Sanjivani Booty, the Life Elixir, prescribed by sage Agastya. Paracelsus believed that a person who has taken birth has to die but there is nothing wrong in protecting himself from evil astral influences, accidents, epidemics and old age. Paracelsus strongly recommended, a remedy called Primum Ens for prolonging the age of human being. The Primum Ens Melissae is prepared by a unique concoction of pure carbonate of potash, a plant called Melissa and alcohol. Finally one of the most secretive and valuable remedy which Paracelsus discovered was, Zenexton, a unique tablet made by grinding live toads, roots of certain medicinal herbs, pearls, coral, saffron, musk and amber and many other elements. When the mixture dries up it has be to cut in to tablets when the moon is in the sign of Scorpion. The tablet has to be draped in a red silk cloth and to be worn as an amulet around the neck to ward off evil astral influences, diseases, poison and black magic. Thus from the above, we have discovered the secret of Paracelsus success in the field of medicine, surgery, magic, alchemy and occult science. But as Paracelsus rose to fame he was subject to professional envy as other physicians lagged the intelligence and foresight of Paracelsus. He was also kind enough to treat the poor without any charging any fees, an act which was met with much resentment among his colleagues. But what an irony, many a times his noble act was not acknowledged and was often ridiculed. Once a rich wealthy, Count Philippus of Baden, who was termed as incurable by celebrated physicians, Paracelsus cured him in short time. But instead of being rewarded for his generosity, he was shown the door. This only gave his oppositions an opportunity to rejoice but that did not discourage Paracelsus as he continued to perform his wonderful cures. PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE: As Paracelsus enjoyed travelling a lot, he visited Basel in the year 1527 and was appointed as Professor of Medicine and Surgery by the City Council for which he received handsome salary. Unlike his colleagues who merely lectured on works written by other medical healers like Hippocrates and Avicenna, Paracelsus designed his own course material. The principles he imparted his students were of his own and hence his popularity among them increased. Also he gave lecture in German instead of Latin which again was not favoured by his colleagues. As a part of the Office of the City Council, he voluntarily offered his services to supervise the conduct of the Compounders, whether they are aware of their business and whether they have stock of genuine drugs to prevent them from inflating the prices of essential drugs. He would often admonish other physicians to stop digging gold and instead pay attention in the search of new medicines. FAME ATTRACTS ENVY: No sooner a person gains fame and popularity, his list of foes grow endlessly. The City druggist began to hate Paracelsus for his measures to control prices of essential drugs. Other physicians and professors too grew jealous of his increasing popularity and success in curing diseases. They all joined together and demanded an explanation from the University for hiring Paracelsuss services. These envious people declared Paracelsus as a stranger, a quack and requested the University to probe whether Paracelsus is a real doctor or not. In order to prevent events from turning worse, Paracelsus resigned from the University and left Basel in the year 1528. From Basel, Paracelsus arrived at Colmar and later on visited Esslingen in the year 1529 and Nuremberg in 1530. In Nuremberg too, physicians called Paracelsus a quack and an imposter. Tired of being taunted a quack on numerous occasions, Paracelsus decided to confront the situation. He requested the City Council to send some patients suffering from incurable diseases. The City Council obliged and sent few patients suffering from elephantiasis which Paracelsus cured successfully in a very short span of time and free of cost. He SUCCESS MEETS DEATH: Inspite of achieving success in Nuremberg, Paracelsus efforts and services were drastically ignored. He continued his life as a vagabond wandering from places to places. He visited places like Noerdlingen in the year 1530 followed by Munich, Regensburg, Amber and Meran. In the year 1531 he visited St. Gall and then to Zurich in the year 1535. All this while, he gathered few disciples who were impressed by Paracelsus cures and desired to acquire his secrets and art of medicines. Among his followers were Johannes Oprimus, Adam von Bodenstein, Alexander von Suchten, Peter Severinus, Oswald Crall and many others. As he continued with his passion of travelling, he reached Salzburg where the Duke of Ernst of Bavaria requested him to join his court as a physician. Finally, Paraclesus acquired a position where his medical skills were recognized and obtained widespread fame. But fate was not in favour of Paracelsus. This joyous period of richness and fame ended tragically as Paracelsus succumbed to a mysterious death in a small Inn called, White House on the 24th of September 1541. His remains were buried the next day in the grave of St. Sebastian. There is not much evidence to prove that Paracelsus was indeed murdered. Primary investigations revealed that Paracelsus was hit by a blunt object on his head by some anti-social elements hired by local physicians which eventually led to his death. One German physician Dr. S.Th.von Soemmering, who examined the body of Paracelsus, discovered a fracture on the skull believed to be the cause of death. Paracelsus bones were unearthed in the year 1527 and entombed in the Chapel of St. Philippi Neri, in the vicinity of the St.Sebastian where his monument proudly stands today. PARACELSUS RICH LEGACY: Paracelsus himself was not an avid reader or a writer, a fact which is corroborated by his disciples and followers. He would only dictate his work to them without utilizing any manuscripts and books. According to him, Reading never made a physician. Medicine is an art and requires practice. Few of his work were published during his life time namely, De Gradibus et Compostionibus Receptorum et Naturalium published in the year 1526 and Chirurgia Magna published at Ulm in the year 1536. To display their affection and gratitude to their master Paracelus, his disciples, Gerhard Dorn, and Martin Ruland composed a dictionary called Lexicon Alchemicum which comprises unique terms used by Paracelsus. However Paracelsus was quite discreet when it came to sharing his valuable secrets as he feared it may be go in wrong hands. One of his disciple, Johannes Oprimus who served Paracelsus for three years was upset with Paracelsuss secretive nature and connived with his enemies. However after Paracelsuss death, Oprimus turned remorse and repented for his indiscreet behavior. Paracelsus did not leave behind him material goods but his work which displays his abundant knowledge of medicine. Even when he died, the only things found in his possession were a copy of Bible, a Biblical commentary on Bible and a book written on medicine. CONCLUSION: Paracelsus was among those few who treated patients as his textbook and the sickbed as his course of study. His passion for travelling was instrumental in acquiring knowledge and found his best teachers among vagabonds, gypsies, barbers, midwives and executioners. Phenomenas of nature were of more value to him and his love for God an essence for survival. If you have read and understood this biography you will be amazed to discover that Paracelsuss doctrines are based on his study of Bible and bear a striking resemblance to the Vedas. The main reason why Paracelsus principles and work are not implemented today is that his system has not been completely understood by our modern medical practitioners. Hope a time will come when his fundamentals will be understood and a breakthrough is achieved in the field of medical science. Till then my dear readers, Be Good to Others, have Faith in God and your Life is Insured. QUOTES BY PARACELSUS: Medicine rests upon four pillars-Philosophy, Astronomy, Alchemy and Ethics. But is not He who created it for sake of the sick body more than the remedy? And is not He who cures the soul, which is more than the body greater. The interpretation of Dreams is a great art. What sense would it make or what would it make or what would it benefit a physician if he discovered the origin of the diseases but could not cure or alleviat

Saturday, October 12, 2019

An Inspector Calls :: English Literature

An Inspector Calls "An Inspector Calls" by J.B Priestley is a play about an inspector questioning a family about the suicide of Eva Smith. At the beginning of the play the Birling are celebrating the engagement of Sheila and Gerald. They are interrupted by Inspector Goole who informs them that an Eva Smith has committed suicide. The Birling family all deny an involvement but Inspector Goole manages to piece together the facts that in some way they were all involved in her death. When Inspector Goole leaves they all question whether he was a real inspector or not. Gerald, who had left the house, comes back with the information that he wasn't a real inspector after all. Then at the very end of the play the Birling family receive a telephone call that an Eva Smith has just committed suicide and an inspector will be coming to question them. John Boynton Priestley was on of the most popular, versatile and important authors of his day. Although he never wrote a bona fide masterpiece his work was still highly valued. he wrote sixteen novels but it was as a playwright and political/social thinker that Priestley was especially important. Politically Priestley was a patriotic socialist and he was passionately convinced of the need for social change to benefit the poor. During World War II his weekly broadcasts expressed his faith in ordinary people and he felt that "An Inspector Calls" helped labour win the election after the war (1945). As a socialist Priestley believed that we are all responsible for each other. I think that Priestley has written this play to convince people that his views as a socialist are correct. The fact he wrote the play in 1945 yet set the play in 1912 was so he could make the ideas of Mr. Birling seem ridiculous with the use of hindsight. Mr. Birling talks about how there won't be a war, no problems with worker relations and how strong the Titanic is. All of Birling's ideas are shot down because there was a war with Germany, there was a general strike and the Titanic sank on it's maiden voyage. In turn this makes the Inspector's and Priestley's ideas of socialism seem correct. Priestley also wrote this play to make people realise that they are responsible for their own actions. Some of the characters in the play do not accept the fact that they were partly responsible for the death of Eva Smith. Eric and Sheila knew they had done wrong and regretted their part in her death. Sheila says, "And I know I'm to blame-and I'm desperately sorry." This indicates that Sheila wants to change her ways.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Deaf Identitiy

The Deaf Identity Ones sense of self, or perception of one’s self, is put together throughout the childhood years; relating to any number of characteristics. These could be gender identity, racial identity, involvement in academics, involvement in sports, and many others. These are some of the key parts to building one’s identity, or the understanding of one’s unique characteristics and how they have been, are, and will be manifested across ages, situations, and social roles.But what happens when a part of your identity is associated with your ability to hear or not. How does one establish a healthy identity of themselves when most the views of hard-of-hearing or deafness is negative? One study conducted in South Africa concluded that the deaf identity is not a static concept; but that it is a complex ongoing quest for belonging, bound up with the acceptance of being deaf and â€Å"finding one’s voice† in a hearing dominate society (McIlroy & Storbe ck, 2011).This concept correlates more with James Marcia’s Theory of Identity Achievement over Erik Erikson’s fifth stage of psychosocial development based on the fact that sometimes the Deaf identity does not develop until post-adolescence, even in children who were born deaf. Marcia’s theory acknowledges that sometimes the quest for one’s identity can span one’s lifetime, therefore also breaking Erikson’s rigid rules of the identity developing in adolescence.When the Deaf identity has been developed it too has a range of meaning for those involved in the process. In the South Africa study, it was founded that there are four static identities; deaf, Deaf, negative/ambiguous, and bicultural Deaf. These identities are formed through a myriad of experiences. Whether the child was born to a hearing family, born to a Deaf family, went to school in a mainstream hearing school, or attended a Deaf school, and the person’s personal preferred method of communication.Many Deaf children of Deaf families are born into a household of signing and of knowledge of the Deaf culture; this person most likely will assume the Deaf Identity. This person will experience the least amount of crisis when it comes to identity. But being a Deaf child of a Deaf adult is such a low occurrence that coming to this identity is not that easy. There are three general factors, for deaf children, which directly link to their identity; the attitudes of the parents, the mode of communication which aides in the social interaction with family and later ith peers, and the child’s linguistic competence (Kossewska, 2008). The first few years of a child’s life are the most critical for development and begin to reinforce the general factors that impact their identity. A deaf child born to hearing parents may struggle with language and literacy development most of their life. If their parents choose to enroll their child in a mainstream school and stress oralism, then the child will have a more negative view of their deafness due to the struggles they go through to obtain spoken language.This may lead to a ‘negative/ambiguous’ or ‘deaf’ identity because the person does not truly identify with their deafness as a part of who they are. Another deaf child born to hearing parents could end up in a deaf school, where the child will learn a signed language and maybe the family will take classes as well. With a child who is not struggling to obtain language and letting their life happen as it happens, is more likely to accept their deafness as a part of who they are and develop a ‘bicultural Deaf’ or a ‘Deaf’ identity, depending on how influential the hearing family is.And a child born into a Deaf family with proud Deaf identities will likely go to a Deaf school and develop the same Deaf identity as their family. A study done in Poland with 67 deaf adolescents and 93 hearing ch ildren were asked â€Å"Who Am I? † to investigate the factors influencing the deaf identity in adolescence. While â€Å"it was found that deaf adolescents used more descriptions especially in the following categories: Civil Status, Body and Physical Appearance, Taste and Activities, Friendship and Relationships, Personal and Social Situations, Negative Personal Traits, and Neutral Personality Traits.Deaf adolescents use as many abstract concepts to describe themselves as the hearing do, but they use more negative personal traits† (Kossewska, 2008). Why is it that the Deaf children are harder on themselves than the hearing? Is this a blatant clue that society as a whole looks down on this group of people and even the children can feel it? Children have been known to feel anger and resentment towards their hearing parents for forcing oralism upon them when there was a world of people just like them out there.A strong sense of heritage and feeling of belonging can develo p when children are a part of a community they can identify with. Sadly this doesn’t always happen in the earlier stages of life. This is also where one may go through an identity crisis and shift from ‘deaf’ to ‘Deaf’ or ‘bicultural. ’ â€Å"In discussing how bicultural identities may be understood, Ladd defines Deafhood as a process of claiming one’s Deaf identity with dignity† (McIlroy & Storbeck, 2011). In the South Africa study, all of the participants were 23 years of age and older; the oldest being 55 years old.In the study, all those who were born to hearing families, attended mainstream schools, but learned SASL (South African Sign Language) identified themselves deaf, but not until later in life. Those who never learned SASL, or any other signed language, never identified themselves with their deafness and had a negative/ ambiguous identity. Lastly, those born Deaf to Deaf families identified as Deaf. Not one part icipant in this study identified them self as Bicultural, but that is not to say it doesn’t exist. The establishment of the Deaf Identity is a tricky and sometimes rocky path for the majority of children who identify as deaf.They have so many hurdles to overcome in their journey to establishing their own identity that is one with who they are. From family life, to socialization, to academics, to identifying with their hearing loss or not, these people work hard and might experience more identity crises than average hearing person. But once they have established that identity there is no doubt that it has something to do with their hearing status. It would be a better world to spread the word about the Deaf Community to help the future to identify with their Deafness.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Reflective Account Essay

A new little boy started recently in nursery, as he entered nursery i bent down, smiled giving him eye contact i then said hello using his name and told him mine and he smiled back. He had never been to nursery before and he was very excited and had no awareness of the daily routine. i calmly held out my hand and he held out his. holding each others hands i showed him where his name card was, he picked up his name card and we walked over to the self-registration board. i asked him what he would like to play with and he chose to play with the cars. but during his play he become very upset because he wanted to play with the red car and another child had the red car. so i bent down and placed my arm around him and asked to look at me. Tears were rolling down his face and i explained to him that when the other child had finished playing with the red car he would be able to have a turn. i then sat down next to him to take turns in using the garage and sharing the cars. During the session i continued to support him, during lunch time and throughout the session. On occasions when he was unsure of what to do we went over to the routine board and talked him through the pictures so he knew what was happening next. Reflection I felt that i reassured him by letting him know who i was and at all times i made sure i gained his attention by using his name and ensure that he was listening by making sure we gained eye contact before speaking. I helped him with understanding the daily routine and I helped him with his social skills by supporting him with understanding the we need to take turns and share. Next time Next time I will carry on encouraging his social skills and communication skills by supporting him with sharing the toys and taking turns. I will also tell him the children’s names so he will feel part of a group and help with his self esteem. All while letting the child know I will be there to support him and help with his daily needs if he needs it.

Health Promotion in Nursing Practice Essay

Health promotion is defined by the world health organization as the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behavior towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions. The purpose of health promotion is to empower people to improve their health and delay disease, disability, and death. The nurses plays an important role in health-promoting activities which include educating people in making important life changing decision such as healthy eating, stress management, adequate physical activity, adequate sleep and not smoking. Achieving optimal health is not the sole responsibility of the individual the government are also involved in health promotion by creating safe environment free of pollution, safe drinkable water, provide vaccines for preventable diseases. Health differences can be reduced by providing culturally relevant health information, programs, and services, creating public policy that promotes health, improving access to health care and providing other opportunities for making healthy choices. Primary prevention is the prevention of diseases and conditions before their biological onset. This can be achieve in many ways, such as educating individuals to decrease risk taking behaviors, preventing environmental exposures, environmental health measures, such as maintaining a safe water and food supply. Educating individuals on sex educations such as promoting the use of condoms, abstinence before marriage, avoiding multiple sex partners will prevent sexual transmitted diseases such as HIV, and also reduce the risk of cervical cancer in women. Education in healthy eating habit and increase in physical activity will reduce obesity and prevent some diseases associated with obesity such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heart related conditions etc. Vaccines are good examples of primary prevention measures, many diseases today have been prevented with the use of vaccines. Good example of secondary prevention in the hospital settings is offering of flu vaccine and pneumonia vaccine to all discharged patient who meets the criteria. Education on the use of seat belt will reduce the degree of automobile injuries. Secondary prevention is the process of identifying the presence of disease in the body at an early stage when it has not advanced to the point of causing any signs, symptoms or disability . These preclinical conditions are most often discovered by disease screening. Screenings such as routine mammograms, Pap smear, colonoscopy, PSA, prevents disease emergence and this usually leads prevention of serious complications. Secondary preventions also includes routine blood works to check for cholesterol level, prescreening for hypertension, screening for high blood-lead level for people who work in environment with lead exposure. Nurses should promote secondary prevention in our area of work, in the communities; they should emphasis on the importance of health screenings to the clients in their area of profession. The government should also provide funds for secondary prevention by providing resources for free screening in public places like the school, church, hospitals, town hall etc. With secondary prevention there will be delay in disease progression, disability and death. Tertiary prevention is the prevention of disease progression and complication after it has been clinically diagnosed. This includes the rehabilitation and management of the disease , example of tertiary prevention is the routine screening for and management of diabetic associated conditions in a diabetic patient such as renal ,eye, and foot problems. Eliminating offending allergens from asthmatic patients. Preventing reoccurrence of myocardial infarction with blood thinners such as aspirin, Plavix etc. The use of physical therapist and occupational therapist to regain physical function in a stroke patient. Nurses in their different area of nursing plays important roles in health promotion, it could be by primary prevention, secondary prevention, or tertiary prevention. When a patient is admitted in the hospital it is the duty of the nurses to educate the patient and the family on the tertiary prevention level on how to manage his disease such as to comply with ordered medication, diet modifications, smoking cessation etc. Educational handouts with specific teaching on disease prevention and management should be given to patient upon discharge.In conclusion primary prevention is the most important preventive measure in health promotion, while secondary prevention is very vital in health promotion as with this preventive measure there is a high chance of a positive outcome. Also tertiary prevention is also very important as it minimizes complication and delay death. References Robert, R. B. (2002). Encyclopedia of Public Health.Retrieved on January 13, 2013 from GCU Library.Retrieved on January 13, 2013 from

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A Critical Analysis of R (Smith and West) v Parole Board Essay

A Critical Analysis of R (Smith and West) v Parole Board - Essay Example The discussion and analysis of such cases reveals much needed lessons that should be incorporated in the future cases to prevent the mistakes and misjudgments made during the cases under discussion. One such case is R (West and Smith) v Parole1. This paper purports to discuss and analyze this case in order to understand the effects of its implications on criminal and administrative law. Background: in 2005, the Parole Board recalled the released of two prisoners, West and Smith, on the grounds that they had not acted in accordance with their conditions, and had breached the grounds on which they had made parole, posing a risk to the safety of the society at large2. West was a short-term prisoner who had been recalled on the grounds that he had spent one night away from the designated location without notifying his supervisor, and had been allegedly drunk and involved in the breaking down of a door at a girl’s hostel ­3. Smith, a long-term prisoner, had been recalled on the p retext that he had proven incapable of fighting his habit of drug abuse on two occasions of his parole even after he had been given a written warning after the first incident4, and since he had been sentenced to prison due to a sexual crime5, his inability to live in accordance with his parole conditions were deemed as a safety risk to the society6. Analysis: The case under discussion presents a complex scenario in that it depends upon variables from the statutes of the common law and the Conventions of the Human Rights Act 19987 both directly and indirectly, and it is, at times, difficult to determine which of the clauses of the said statutes are applicable to the case. For this reason, the discussion and analysis of the case is subsequently divided into two parts; the first part deals with the application and relevance of the statutes of the common law, and the second part would deal with the articles of Convention as they apply to the case. Common Law: this subsection of the anal ysis would determine whether the pertinent case enjoys the benefit and protection afforded by the common law. The right to an oral hearing is a fundamental right provided by the common law when the Parole Board recalls prisoners released on probation under license due to any reason as deemed appropriate by the parole supervisor and the Parole Board8. The nature of the oral hearing is essentially an interview session, which might be informal in nature as this is considered sufficient9, with the option of presenting witnesses and new evidence in light of new facts or established facts the implications of which might have been changed due to influence of new developments in the case upon probation release of the prisoner10. The prisoner upon recall and once in custody is appraised of the right to file an appeal in order to challenge the Parole Board’s decision of recall11. This appeal is usually and mostly in the form of a written application directed to the Parole Board12. Howe ver, the prisoner has to be explicitly informed of his right to request an oral hearing if he feels that his case would be better presented by direct communication with the Board, or if he feels the need to present new evidence or witnesses13. Similarly, it is mandatory upon the Board to arrange an oral hearing if the need for such an arrangement is felt in light of any change in the established facts, or the implications of those facts due to a change in the circumstances of the prisoner upon his release; the need to present witnesses; or if the Board, due to any reason, feels that a fairer ruling would be only possible if the appellant was to engage in oral hearing14. It is generally considered that in many cases the mere use of a written appl

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

PayPal Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PayPal Case Study - Essay Example Lots of paypal sellers do not receive payment for items sold through paypal due to credit card fraud and blame paypal for it. Likewise, many buyers do not receivee the goods ordered and paid via paypal as the merchant was bogus and hence blame paypal for not verifying the sellers. Paypal contact number is not easily found on their website. The number is buried deep inside their website. Customers believe that paypal does it on purpose so that they will not be contacted easily. Morover, the customer service number for personal accounts is not toll free and since there is usually a long wait time. Many users also complain that the Terms of Service are not fully disclosed during sign-up. Due to a Paypal email password scam, a lot of user passwords have been hacked. Although the emails requesting passwords were not sent by paypal, this has affected a lot of customers and cost them a lot of money. Inspite of all the criticism it faces, paypal is an increasingly popular method of payment which satisfies a niche market of e-tailers who favor it due to its low transaction fees and global usage. Paypal has been accused of being unethical. But the steps which Paypal has taken to reduce criticism, given below, prove that this accusation is not true. Inorder to combat buyer fraud, paypal uses advanced software to