Friday, May 15, 2020

Genghis Khan an Example of a Visionary Leader Essay examples

Synthesis Essay - Genghis Khan Genghis Khan was born clutching a blood clot in his fist, foretelling of the bloodshed and violence he would unleash on the world while ultimately achieving the goal of creating the largest contiguous empire in history. His personal struggle is well outside the scope of this discussion. I will, however, cover how Genghis exemplified the qualities of a visionary leader by his use of technology, long range planning, and inspirational motivation. Contrary to historians in the Middle East, I also present that Genghis Khan was an ethical leader as shown by his authentic leadership style that embodied idealized influence and based his leadership decisions squarely on merit. Finally, I intend to convey how†¦show more content†¦(Hartog, p.40) Our reading underscores that one of the keys of a great leader (MP00 Profession of Arms, p.3) is the proficiency in integrating technology in order to achieve mission success. Genghis’ Mongols established a brilliant network of courier routes and outposts for communications and intelligence gathering. His commander’s were charged with reporting any unusual information as fast as possible using this network. He used this intelligence gleaned about the enemy’s political and military situation from the front lines as a means to provide decisiveness to his attack campaigns and attain information superiority over the contested lands (LM10 Culture of Engagement, p. 7). Hartog asserts that â€Å"each inhabitant was obliged if necessary to put the interest of the Yam before his own.† This was a potent charge coming from the leader accustomed to boiling his conquests alive. This bedrock of the Mongol world has also worked its way into our Core Values as â€Å"Service Before Self.† So strong was the Mongols’ devotion to the Yam that they would ride to 2000KM with only brief rests at their outposts. The secret to this reach is that the riders would ride with a string of five horses and switch saddles to a fresh horse when the original horse tired. Genghis’ revolutionary battle tactics were attributed with allowing his empire to grow as fast as it did. The Mongols were master tacticians and leveraged theirShow MoreRelatedLiterature Review : Karl Galinsky And Jack Weatherford1546 Words   |  7 PagesMetoyer World History Richardson Abstract In this review I will analysis and deconstruct the works of Karl Galinsky and Jack Weatherford. The two works I will be looking at is â€Å"Augustus: Introduction to the Life of an Emperor† and â€Å"Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World.† This analysis will consist of a summary and deconstruction of each text as well as a comparison of the styles and structures of each author. 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